Revenge of the Moon


Scientists have been studying the Moon for years. However, they never fully understood it's properties. In their quest to discover hidden water on the moon, they went for drastic measures. They decided to shoot a missile at the Moon and see if anything was stirred up in the explosion. After weeks of preparation, the missile was readied and fired off into space. It rushed towards the Moon with incredible speed, no actual target set as everyone thought there was no life on the Moon.

However, the newly restored Moon Kingdom, the land of the Lunarians, was very much alive. Ruled by Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion, it's people flourished. To protect themselves, the city was hidden from anyone looking at the Moon from Earth thanks to special technology, the same technology that made life possible on the Moon. Within the royal palace, Serenity's daughter Rini, had grown into a mature, young teenager. Also present in the palace were the princesses of the planets, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter.


Near the middle of the day, a light began to shine in the sky above the Moon Kingdom. People looked up curiously, unable to tell what the light was. But as it got closer, they began to realize it was some type of rocket racing straight towards the city. They began running for their lives as the missile smashed into the downtown area.

The entire city was rocked by an enormous explosion, a fireball rising high in the sky. At the palace, Serenity was thrown off her feet.

"What was that?!" Serenity said. She ran out onto a balcony overlooking the city. It was easy to spot the black cloud and burning downtown area.

"What happened?" Serenity said.

"My Queen!" a soldier yelled as he ran up to Serenity, "We have been attacked! By Earth!"

"Earth?!" Serenity said.

"Yes my Queen." the soldier said, "We tracked that missile back to a base on Earth. They have obviously found us and are preparing an attack."

"What's going on?!" Rini shouted as she ran onto the balcony. She saw the devastated section of the city and gasped, her hands coming to her mouth. Then, she quickly grew angry.

"Who did this?!" Rini ordered, stamping her foot.

"It came from Earth, Princess Rini." the soldier said.

"We should retaliate!" Rini shouted, "Send me! I can take care of whoever did this!"

"Now Rini." Serenity said, "You've never used the attack systems before. And you've never gone to a planet before. Besides, I'm not sure revenge is the best course of action at this time."

"Just let me use the GTS system and I'll go to Earth!" Rini said, "Let me change clothes and I'll go right now! Consider it a chance to prove my abilities as a princess of the Moon."

Serenity thought for a moment. She knew Rini was capable, but she still wasn't certain of the motive behind the attack in the first place. However, she had her kingdom to worry about and take care of.

"Very well Rini." Serenity said, "You will use the GTS system and go to Earth. Since Earth destroyed much of our city, you will destroy one of their cities. After you have changed clothes, meet me in the Strategy Room."

"I will!" Rini said, "You can count on me! I will not disappoint you." She turned and ran back to her room.


Ten minutes later, Rini walked into the Strategy Room. She had changed out of her Princess dress into something a little more appropriate, in her opinion, for what she planned to do. She now wore a white tank top and short black skirt. She also had on a pair of black, high heel sandals.

After explaining to Rini many things about Earth and the Earthlings, Serenity led Rini into a special room. Inside, was what appeared to be enormous pieces of rock, similar to asteroids. Serenity walked Rini up to one.

"Ok Rini." Serenity said, "This craft will send you to Earth. While you are inside, you will fall asleep. During the trip to Earth, the GTS system inside will activate and transform you into attack form. To the humans, the craft will appear as only a meteorite, an object Earthlings are terrified of to see falling from the sky."

"Don't worry." Rini said, "I've studied this kind of thing and know just what to do."

"Just don't forget what to say when you arrive." Serenity said, "Who you are, where you came from, and why you are there. Then, you may do to the city as you please."

"I understand." Rini said, "I'll make you proud of me Mom."

"And don't forget about the Moon Sword." Serenity said, "Take it with you on your journey and leave it in the ship. You can call on it whenever you want or need it and it will appear in your hand."

"Ok." Rini said, "Thanks mom. And bye!"

Rini entered the craft and settled into the seat. The door closed. Then, with a powerful force, the craft hurled itself out of the hanger and into space on a course for Earth.

Although Serenity knew Rini would be ok, she prayed for her daughter's safe return.


Back on Earth, the research station was going crazy.

"Sir!" a scientist said, "Something is headed towards Earth! High rate of speed!"

"What is it?" the head scientist said, "A spacecraft?"

"I don't think so." the scientist said, "It looks like a meteor. Heading straight for Earth."

"How big is it?" the head scientist said.

"Well, looks to be about 300 feet in length." the scientist said.

"Where will it hit?" the head scientist said.

"Off the coast of New York sir." the scientist said, "And it's too close and too fast to intercept. It's like it appeared near the Moon and just came right for us."

"Sound the alarm in all cities in New York bordering the ocean." the head scientist said, "Maybe some people can escape the impact. And tell the Navy to be ready to investigate the impact site."

"Roger!" the scientist said.


As Rini's craft entered the atmosphere of Earth, it burned brightly as it tore through the sky. As it fell, Rini was indeed fast asleep inside, the GTS system completing it's changes to her body. Far below, the ground seemed to rush up, the craft heading for the ocean just a few hundred meters from the shore of a very large city.

People in the city pointed up at the object hurtling towards the ground and screamed in terror. Panic spread quickly, as people believed the object to be the start of the end of the world. For the city, it just might be.

Rini's craft crashed into the ocean, sending up an enormous explosion of water high into the air. The craft slammed into the sea floor and settled completely unharmed. Inside, Rini very slowly began stirring from her sleep.


A huge wave had already drenched the shore, but it wasn't a doomsday wave like everyone thought. As the water began to drain away, the shoreline quickly began filling with police cars, fire trucks, and news vehicles. On the water's surface, Navy ships closed in around the impact site.

In a cargo facility bordering the harbor, a news crew began filming the action in the water.

"This is Stacy Valencia, channel 5 news." a TV announcer said as she began her report, "Just moments ago, a massive meteor crashed into the harbor here, sending up a large wave that has soaked the entire area in water. Police and fire personal are on the scene investigating any injuries or damage reports."

The camera turned and looked out over the water, where the Navy was beginning to move towards the spot the meteor had crashed.

"We are just getting a special report." Stacy said, "Navy divers are going to go down underwater and investigate the object that crashed into the water. We eagerly await the first video of this momentous object."


One ship let down a miniature submarine. It's single pilot climbed in and the vessel dove underwater, ready to study the rock that had landed on the sea floor. As he dove deeper and deeper, he switched on the submarine's lights and video cameras and peered through the glass bubble canopy with extreme excitement. He could only see a few hundred feet in front of him and the water was dirty and dark from all the disrupted sand.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, something reached out of the darkness and grabbed the submarine. The pilot bounced around as the submarine was dragged into the darkness by the object. Whatever it was, it was super strong. Finally, the object stopped dragging the submarine and held it in place. The pilot looked around, the sub's lights illuminating a pale colored wall with what appeared to be long black pointed objects attached to it in a row. The wall seemed to go on forever.

But just then, the wall moved and the black pointed objects rose up. Beneath the light pink moving wall, to the pilot's shock, an enormous eye opened in front of him and looked right at him with an unblinking glare. The black pointed objects he had seen were eyelashes! The pilot screamed as the submarine was quickly crushed around him and his world turned to darkness. The smashed submarine was released and slowly sank to the sea floor.


The TV screen showing the sub's view quickly switched to static, then went blank. Stacy was startled, frozen in fear of what she believed she had just seen. The camera zoomed in on the ship as it reeled in it's cable, finally pulling up a snapped end with no sub on it anymore.

"Well, it appears something has gone horribly wrong with the sub." Stacy said, "Our condolences to the family of that diver who apparently, perished in the incident."

Suddenly, the ground began to rumble. Stacy was thrown off her feet.

"What is this?" Stacy said, "An earthquake?" She looked out over the water. Something was stirring beneath the waves. something big.


Rini dropped the pesky object that she had grabbed. She looked up towards the surface of the ocean. Whatever the object had been, it's lights had fully awakened her and she was not happy at all. Thanks to the GTS system, Rini had grown inside the hollow space of her craft and was now a gigantic warrior. Now, lying on the bottom of what seemed to be a very shallow body of water, Rini rose towards the surface quickly, pushing a huge volume of water up ahead of her.

The ocean above heaved as Rini approached the surface. Then, in an explosion of water, Rini burst through the surface and stood up to her full height. One of the ships closest to her was completely capsized and sank quickly. The water only reached up to the middle of her lower legs and the ships around her looked like toys. She towered over them, the water raining down all around her. Amazingly, through some kind of special ability of the Moon people who attacked planets, Rini was mostly dry, like some kind of small force field had repelled most of the water. But she immediately grew annoyed When the strange floating ships all around her began attacking her.

"Stupid ships!" Rini said, "Leave me alone!" She called her sword which appeared from nothingness just like her mother had said. With a single slash, she sliced one of the closest ships in two. It exploded and sank quickly.

The other ships fired up at her. Rini's body was encased in explosions, but she appeared to shrug off the attack like it was nothing.

"Is that the best you can do?" Rini said, "I'm very disappointed." She reached down and grabbed a hold of another ship by it's command structure. She began squeezing and twisting, her powerful fingers mangling the metal easily.

"Out of my sight!" Rini said as she squeezed her hand into a fist, exploding the ship and causing it to sink as well. After she destroyed a few more, the remaining ships turned and fled, remaining at a following distance as Rini headed towards the city.


Stacy watched in stunned horror as the powerful military ships exploded in the hands of the giantess, sinking like a child's bathroom toy.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you're just now joining us, a gigantic girl has just emerged from the spot the meteor landed!" Stacy said, "The navy is powerless against her, she's crushing the ships like toys! It's incredible!"

The camera caught Rini as she squeezed one ship and it exploded in her hand. Another ship was smashed to pieces when the girl lifted her foot out of the water and slammed it down on top of it. Then, the giant girl turned and began waded straight towards them.

"Oh no!" Stacy said, "I think she's coming this way! Yes! Definitely coming right towards us! We'll stay broadcasting as long as we can!"

The camera angle slowly looked higher in the sky as Rini came closer, her body towering straight up in the sky directly in front of them.


As she approached the docks, Rini recalled her sword, storing it away to conserve it's energy. She stepped up onto the concrete dock, her foot crushing a small warehouse with ease. In all the excitement of the ships attacking her, Rini forgot what she was suppose to do next.

"Um, what was I suppose to say again?" Rini said softly, scratching her head. She rocked back and forth on her sandal's heels, trying to remember. Finally, her eyes widened and she remembered what to say.

"Ah!" Rini said, "That's right, I remember."

Rini stood up straight, hands on her hips, and cleared her throat.

"Attention, people of this Earth city!" Rini said, "I am Princess Rini from the Moon Kingdom! Your leaders have declared war on my mother's kingdom by hitting our city with a missile! I have been instructed to destroy this city as a retaliatory measure to display the power of the people of the Moon!"

Rini could see hundreds of people looking up at her. As she spoke, their faces changed from shock to absolute terror. And Rini liked seeing that.

"Do not attempt to resist me!" Rini said, "The devastation of your city will be an example to the rest of your world! Now, prepare to be destroyed!"

"Is she serious?" one man said.

"It must be a trick." a woman said, "Someone is toying with us."

Rini lifted her other foot and crushed another of the warehouses nearby. Then, with a simple kick, she destroyed a crane. Instantly, Rini began hearing the screams of the people in the city.

"Good." Rini thought, "That's what I should hear."

Rini looked down as she lifted her foot over a nearby ten story building.

"Scream all you want little people." Rini said, "My huge size is more then enough to reduce your city to rubble."

Her black high heel sandal tore through the roof of the building and continued down. Each floor was demolished, one after the other. The entire building was torn in half as Rini's foot destroyed it completely. It collapsed in a pile around Rini's foot. Content, Rini walked across the parking lot, heading into the center of the city.


Stacy was panicking now. Herself, the crew, and the news van were directly in the girl's path, and she wasn't stopping.

"The giantess has just issued a declaration of war against the city!" Stacy shouted, "She has begun destroying buildings and is moving towards the downtown area. If you are watching this, evacuation is strongly advised. Get out of the city, run as far and as fast as you can."

Stacy froze as a shadow covered her and the crew. She turned and looked up as the girl's foot rose slowly above them.

"Oh my god!" Stacy shouted, "NOOOOOO!!!"

With a loud crunch, the girl stepped down, her sandal crushing the news van, the cameraman, and Stacy's soft bodies with unimaginable pressure. The TV turned to static and went blank.

Rini walked on, leaving the crushed van and several bloody bodies mashed flat in her massive footprint behind.


Meanwhile, back at the Moon Kingdom, Neo Queen Serenity waited anxiously for word of her daughter. Finally, the soldiers were able to get something.

"Were using our technology to get images from Earth." the soldier said, "This screen will show where Princess Rini landed."

The screen turned on and immediately showed a picture of Rini stepping on and destroying several buildings in a major city on Earth. Serenity watched intently.

"At least she arrived safely." Serenity said, "And it appears the GTS system worked perfectly. Please keep me informed."

She watched the screen for a moment before turning to a soldier nearby.

"Investigate the missile strike area." Serenity ordered, "Make sure survivors are cared for and find out why we were attacked."

"Yes ma'am!" a soldier said. He gathered his troops and headed for the ruined section of the city.

Serenity turned and watched her daughter on the screen.

"Why would the Earthlings attack us, if their technology is so inferior?" she wondered.


A car slammed on it's brakes and skidded to a stop directly beneath Rini's descending foot, crushing flat as she stomped her way through the city, towering over most buildings. People ran for their lives as Rini's feet crushed anything unfortunate enough to get caught beneath them. Cars, trucks, and people all disappeared underfoot with each step.

"Hard to believe such pathetic beings caused the destruction of my mother's kingdom." Rini said, "Destroying your city will be easy."

Rini materialized her sword once again and raised it high over her head. With a single slash, she sliced an entire building in half. It fell apart and crashed to the ground in a cloud of dust and debris. She swung her sword around several more times, causing more buildings to fall to the ground in pieces. But as Rini tore a building apart with her hands, she was meet with a surprise.

Through the space formed from the torn buildings, explosive shots flew through the air and collided against her face. Rini stumbled back slightly, her foot crushing a garbage truck flat. As the truck was squeezed flat, it burst apart, hurtling trash in all directions over the street.

"What is this?!" Rini said, "Who dares to challenge me?!"

Rini looked in the direction the attack had come from and saw a large group of military tanks, their guns all aimed up at her.

"How dare you?!" Rini said, "I'll show you who's in charge!" She walked towards the tanks, obliterating buildings in her path just by walking straight through them without hesitation. The look on her face was one of pure anger.

As Rini approached, the tanks fired at her body with their guns. But Rini's skin was far too tough to take any damage and the shots exploded harmlessly against her. It only took a few steps before Rini stood directly over the tanks. She looked down as the tanks tried to turn around and run away.

"Say good bye stupid Earthlings!" Rini said as she positioned her foot over the tanks. Then, with a sickening crunch, Rini stepped on three tanks at once, mashing their thick metal armor with unbelievable pressure before they exploded beneath her foot. The tanks were crushed completely flat, their crews squished inside.

Rini stepped on three more tanks with her other foot, her spike heel impaling a fourth tank and carrying it along with each step she took. Finally, several steps later, the mangled tank fell off her heel and crashed to the street below, a burning hunk of metal was all that remained.

With the tanks crushed and destroyed, Rini turned her attention back to the city. Walking down the street, Rini kicked a bridge crossing the street, shattering it to pieces and tossing cars around like toys. She laughed as she watched more cars trying to stop, skidding off the broken bridge and crashing to the ground at her feet. Rini decided to put away the sword once more.

"It's much more fun to destroy stuff with my body." Rini said aloud, "I enjoy stepping on stuff more then slicing away with a sword." As if to prove her point, Rini intentionally turned down a congested street and watched her own feet crush several occupied cars with each step.

"See, now wasn't that fun?" Rini said, "Well, it probably wasn't fun for you guys in those cars I just crushed. But it sure is fun for me!"

Rini turned to a panicked crowd of people.

"Look what I found!" Rini said, "Lunch! And I am starving!"

A huge shadow came over the crowd as Rini's hand descended from the sky. It covered the crowd, pressing down, pushing them onto the street. Then, her fingers came in, grabbing a large section of the crowd and lifting them high in the air. Muffled screams could be heard from her fist. Rini held her hand over her mouth, opened wide, and dropped the crowd inside. Of course, some people missed her mouth and they instead fell, bouncing down Rini's body, to their deaths far below in the street. Some, the lucky few, fell into Rini's tank top and avoided a splattered death, only to die a slow death as they were slowly suffocate against Rini's chest.

Rini swallowed the people in her mouth whole, not even bothering the chew, before she reached down and picked up another handful of people, swallowing them in a similar manner.

"Yummy!" Rini said, "I should've started eating you the moment I arrived on Earth. It's a good alternative to just stepping on you little people."


Rini walked deeper into the city, knocking over buildings left and right as she walked. Fire was everywhere. Buildings that weren't destroyed were cracked and fires burned out of control all around. Black smoke filled the air and the sky glowed orange and red from the fires. Despite their best efforts, the fire trucks coming to the rescue had been smashed flat by Rini as well, meaning the fires would burn out of control for days to come.

The streets were still full of cars, although most people had abandoned their vehicles and tried to escape on foot, causing huge panicked crowds that Rini now attempted to devour each time she found one. Anyone in their cars trying to escape usually just got stepped on and crushed beneath Rini high heel sandals.


With almost an entire half of the city behind her in smoldering ruins, Rini turned her attention to the remaining half of the city. But she quickly noticed a large river separated her from the rest of the city.

Rini realized she could easily wade through the water but, having used up the energy of her water repelling field in her arrival, Rini really didn't feel like getting her good sandals wet. Instead, she stood on the bank and looked up and down the river, finally spotting a large bridge, which she quickly walked over too.

Rini immediately noticed the bridge to be used for traffic as it was jammed full of cars. On each bank, large towers with cables seemed to hold up the bridge, indicating it was used to carry heavy loads. But Rini knew it was never intended to let someone as large as her cross over.

"I probably shouldn't trust a structure built by Earthlings." Rini said, "But, it either lets me across, or I destroy it in the process. Either way, I win."

Rini lifted one foot and stepped on the roadway of the bridge. The air was filled with a loud groan as the bridge shuttered under her weight. But amazingly, it held although the metal beams twisted and cracked in several areas.

Rini began walking across the bridge with huge and heavy steps, crushing any vehicles in her path and mangling the bridge beneath her. She passed through the first tower and headed across open water. Using the cables to steady herself, Rini made it across and passed the second tower, although her strong hands destroyed the tower in the process.

As Rini stepped off the bridge, she heard a loud snap and looked over her shoulder. The bridge, severely damaged and with it's support cables snapping left and right, broke in two and collapsed into the river below, carrying everything left on it into the water.

Rini smiled. She particularly liked watching the tiny cars splashing into the water, hoping they were occupied so more people would be taught a lesson.

"As I said, I win."  Rini said, "Now, lets see what else I can do to this pitiful city."

She turned and walked into the remaining section of the city, much larger then the first.


Rini soon came upon an elevated railway, two sets of tracks ran along the top. Rini stepped over the bridge, easily straddling it between her legs. And she didn't have to wait long for a train to approach.

As the passenger train began to pass right under Rini, she reached down, grabbed the passing train and picked it up. Holding the engine in her hand, Rini saw the rest of the train dangling from it's couplings. With her attention on the train, the nearby crowd took the opportunity to run away as fast as they could before they became the girl's next snack.

Rini raised the train to her lips. She stuck her tongue out and licked the train before she used her teeth to tear off the front of the train. Then, as if it was a soda bottle, Rini put the train to her lips and tilted her head back. The people inside the train screamed as they slid down and fell into Rini's gaping maw, disappearing into the darkness. Once the train was empty of people, Rini dropped it to the street below.

"That was good, but I'm still hungry." Rini said, rubbing her stomach, "Maybe if I follow this bridge, I'll find more stuff to eat."

Rini followed the bridge, allowing her feet to crush people in her path as she was too lazy to bend over and pick them up to eat. But she did find time to mock them.

"How does it feel under my feet little people?" Rini said, "Oh wait, you can't answer because your all crushed!" She giggled loudly.

Rini soon came across even more tanks in the street waiting for her. Like the others before, they opened fire on her, but had no effect at all.

"Hm, I wonder what these taste like." Rini said, reaching down and picking up one of the tanks, "It feels hard and cold, but maybe it tastes good." She slipped the tank into her mouth and chewed it up, her teeth crushing the armor like it was nothing.

"Not bad." Rini said, "It's like a nut. A hard, crunchy shell with a sweet, gooey interior. I wish we had stuff like this on the Moon, but I think I'll stick to eating people."

After crushing the rest of the tanks with her feet, Rini followed the bridge further. Finally, she arrived at the train station, an elevated building full of people trying to evacuate the city. Two trains waited nearby, loading hundreds of people trying to escape the city. But Rini stepped on one side of the bridge leading out of town, collapsing a large section and effectively making the trains useless. She laughed when she saw the crowds begin to panic even worse then before.

"What's wrong little people?" Rini said, watching the people trying to get off the trains even faster then they had boarded them, "Can't escape from me?"

Rini got down on her hands and knees, her body still straddling the bridge. She bit down on the train at the station and lifted it into the air with her mouth, letting the other train cars dangle carelessly from the sides of her mouth. She shook her head left and right, violently flailing the train around in her mouth, causing everyone inside to bounce around painfully. Some people were even thrown from the train, flying through the air and splattering into the ground or against nearby buildings.

Then, turning her head, Rini spit the train onto the street below, leaving it severely mangled, and turned back to the station. Her shadow covered the entire train station, the remaining train, and the crowd of people.

Rini smirked and suddenly spread out her arms, allowing her body to crash down on top of the train station. Hardly anyone had time to scream as the elevated train station and everything around it disappeared beneath Rini's chest and body and was crushed to pieces against the ground. Huge cracks spread out from her body and nearby cars jumped into the air and crashed all over the street. The entire length of bridge beneath Rini's body and legs collapsed quickly and broke into big pieces.

Still giggling, Rini lifted herself back up to her knees and looked down at the mess. A huge crater, with two smaller but deeper craters where her breasts had crashed down, was filled with the pieces of the station and bridge. The wreaked train, smashed flat, snaked it's way through the debris. And of course, the crowd of people had been buried into the ground, the life literally pressed out of each one of them.

"That takes care of that." Rini said. She stood back up, brushed some debris, dirt and dust off her clothes, and walked back to the buildings nearby.


As she made her way through the city and reached the very crowded central district, Rini quickly noticed that the buildings on either side got not only taller, but also closer together. It wasn't long until Rini was forced to turn sideways and shuffle between the buildings.

"What the heck!" Rini said, "Why are the streets so narrow here? Stupid buildings!"

Both Rini's chest and bottom where scrapping against buildings on either side of her, carving huge gashes into them as she slipped past. Debris from the damaged buildings rained down on people below. In the streets, Rini's shuffling steps mashed cars and buses completely flat numerous times across all lanes of traffic as she was forced to walk with her feet perpendicular to the street. Her shuffling even scooped up some cars inside her sandals and pressed them into submission between her bare foot and sandal, the pieces falling to the street on her next step.

Most buildings collapsed shortly after Rini passed by, too damaged to support their own weight. One by one, buildings on either side of the street would fall, enveloped in a cloud of dust and flying debris that partially covered Rini, causing her to cough.

"Enough of this!" Rini said, "I'm getting out of this part of town!"

Rini pressed her back against the building behind her, lowered her head, closed her eyes, brought her arms up in front of her as best she could, and bulldozed right through the taller building in front of her. People inside the building were caught completely off guard as Rini's entire body easily smashed through concrete and steel like it was string and paper.

Finally, seconds later, Rini burst through the far side of the building in an explosion of shattered concrete. The building, now with a gaping hole straight through it, collapsed as well behind Rini. Holding her breath and keeping her eyes closed, Rini endured until the cloud of dust had cleared. Finally, she lowered her arms and looked behind her.

"Whew!" Rini said, "Glad I'm out of there. Serves you right for trying to trap me in there. I think I'll stick to the less crowded part of town."

All around, the city was burning. Rini casually made her way to another section of undamaged city scape.


Throughout the city, people panicked as Rini casually walked over the traffic like it was nothing more then an army of ants. Cars crunched underfoot, their windshields and windows exploding in a shower of glass, as they were pressed into unrecognizably flat metal pancakes beneath Rini's sandals.

From the windshield of his car, one man shrieked in terror as a building ahead exploded and collapsed in a cloud of dust and debris as Rini's powerful legs walked right through it. But what scared him even more, was when Rini turned and walked down the street straight towards him.

The man panicked, like everyone else, and threw the car in reverse. The tires screeched, leaving trails of black rubber on the street. He made it nearly 20 feet backwards when he slammed into a traffic jam of stalled and crashed cars. He looked up, watching Rini's black sandals coming closer, approaching a train bridge with an occupied train stranded on top.

In the crash, the man injured his neck and arms. Now, he painfully tried to open the door, wrenching on the door handle. To his horror, the door was jammed shut from the crash. He slammed his shoulder against the frame, but it refused to budge. The man looked up out the windshield just as Rini's right sandal lifted over the train bridge.

People inside the train screamed as the roof pressed down on them, Rini's sandal crushing the train car under her foot like a tin can. The people quickly disappeared inside the mangled metal train car as the roof pressed onto the seats inside, killing them all quickly. Rini's foot continued down quickly, straining the entire bridge past it's limit.

Suddenly, with a loud snap, the bridge cracked apart and shattered to pieces as Rini's sandal slammed through it and onto the street below, crushing two cars flat. The bridge and the train above cascaded down into the street, forming a pile of crushed concrete and train cars that barely rose higher then Rini's toes. Rini's other foot came forward and kicked the remaining section of the bridge, causing it to splinter, spraying pieces of concrete across the street like it was made of styrofoam.

The man flinched when a 10 foot section of the concrete bridge crashed into his car and slid to a stop a few feet away. The windshield cracked in the impact and the man got an idea. He took his elbow and began striking the window of his car door. But it was shatterproof glass and all his efforts resulted in a lot of cracking, but no breaking.

The man felt the ground beginning to shake. Rini was very close. A few more footsteps, and she would be right on top of him, literally! Each thunderous step bounced his car, as well as the cars around him, a foot into the air.

Just then, the man heard helicopters. Looking up, he saw two military helicopters armed with missiles rushing up to Rini.


Rini came to a stop as two flying machines came to a hover in front of her.

"What is this?" Rini said, "A welcoming party? I'm sorry, but I've been here for a few hours now, and I'm far past welcoming committees. Get outta my way!!"

Rini reached out a grabbed one of the helicopters. She heard the machine get louder and felt it trying to pull away. But it was very weak compared to her. Still holding the machine in her right hand, Rini faced the second machine.

However, this one was quicker. It avoided her grab and launched two small rockets towards her. They exploded against Rini's chest, doing little more then tickling Rini. However, she didn't laugh long.

"More of these destructive weapons?!" Rini said, "You destroyed my city with those! How dare you provoke me with more of them?! I'll make you pay!!"

This time, the helicopter wasn't fast enough. Rini lashed out and grabbed the helicopter. But she grabbed too hard and ended up squeezing the helicopter in her angry fist. Then, holding out both hands, Rini slammed her hands together, mashing the two helicopters between her hands in an immense vice with unbelievable crushing pressure, essentially fusing the mangled bodies of the two helicopters together, rolling them into a ball, and then dropping the ball of metal to the street below.

Rini's eyes blazed with anger. She was no longer playing around.


The man trapped in his car watched as his only hope fell to the street with a loud crash. The mangled helicopters rolled to the side of the street.

Finally, the man managed to make a small hole in the window of his car door. He began peeling the glass out in a sheet. The ground rumbled again, Rini was walking towards him again. The man looked up briefly, Rini's shadow began covering him.

The glass out of the way, the man tried to climb out, but forgot his seatbelt in his panic. He wrestled with the seat belt, finally getting it off. He stuck his head out the window and began trying to climb out. Desperation told him to look up.

Rini's foot was already hovering over his car. The man climbed faster. He was almost out, just his legs remained inside. But his time ran out.

Rini's foot slammed down, crushing the man's car completely flat. The man screamed in pain as his legs were smashed inside the car and pressed into the ground along with his car as all of Rini's weight was applied on her foot as she walked past.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, Rini's foot lifted off the crushed car, releasing the man's legs, and she walked down the street and disappeared around a corner. The man was left in agony, trying desperately to free what was left of his legs.


But just then, everyone, including Rini, were stunned when, through the clouds, a second massive asteroid came crashing down, trailing a long stream of fire from the atmosphere. It slammed into the ocean about 500 feet from where Rini's asteroid had landed.

Rini stopped her rampage and stared, completely puzzled.

"Who else could've come here?" Rini thought, "I'm the only one who can use the GTS system, aren't I?"

Rini walked through the city, finally returning to the very same docks where her invasion of this Earth city had started.

The ocean heaved upwards. In an explosion of water, Rini was shocked to see her mother, Neo Queen Serenity, rise out of the ocean, standing an whole 100 feet taller then Rini. But, instead of her long royal dress, Serenity was wearing a white leotard with golden shoulder and leg armor and white high heels shoes. Her crown was still adorning her head. Rini assumed it was Serenity's own planet invasion armor, from invasions she had taken place in many years ago.

"Mom!!" Rini said, "What are you doing here?!"

"Rini!" Serenity said, "You must stop this destruction at once!"

"WHAT!!" Rini shouted, "No way! These people attacked out city with that missile. They hurt our people. They deserve to be destroyed! Why must I stop?"

Rini turned towards the city, intent on ignoring her mother's order. She held out her hand towards a swarm of oncoming helicopters and formed a blazing red ball of energy.

"Watch me mother!" Rini shouted, "I'll destroy what's left of this city in one shot! The most powerful attack of the Moon Royal Family!"

"Wait Rini!" Serenity said, "That missile wasn't an attack!" Serenity ran forward, destroying several small buildings and stores in her hast, and grabbed Rini's arm, and forced her daughter's hand straight up just as Rini fired the energy ball. The blast rocketed up into the air. Just above the clouds, the blast exploded, lighting up the sky and causing a strong shockwave that rocked the helicopters, almost causing several to crash.

Rini shook free and faced Serenity. As she stabilized herself, Serenity accidentally crushed a small video store beneath her high heel shoe, but she didn't even look down when the loud crunch reached her ears. She was too intent on making sure Rini didn't vaporize the city.

"What are you talking about?" Rini said, "It wasn't an attack? But it exploded in the city."

"It was a missile, but it was for research." Serenity said, "Because of the clocking field, Earthlings knew nothing about our city. I ordered our scientists to look over the impact site. They found evidence that negated the destruction caused. If it had been an attack missile, it would've been much stronger."

"Well, what was the research?" Rini asked.

"Apparently, they are looking for evidence of life or water on the Moon." Serenity said, "No Earthling knows of our existence."

For a brief moment, both Serenity and Rini just stood looking at each other. Tiny people, not realizing the ordeal was over, still scurried around in panic, blindly running around the feet of both giantesses. An occasional shuffle of their feet nearly resulted in a dozen more squished people.

Rini blushed. "Oops. I guess now they know there is life on the Moon."

"Well, we'd better find a way to fix all this." Serenity said. She stepped past Rini and faced the helicopters.

"Ahem." Serenity said, clearing her throat, "Take me to your leader."

Rini got embarrassed and covered her face with her hands.

"Mom!" Rini said, "Don't say that. It sounds like something out of a bad movie."

"Oops." Serenity said, laughing nervously, "Guess your right."


Later, Serenity and Rini stood on the outskirts of the city. The large group of helicopters still surrounded them, but they kept out of reach of both girls, especially Rini. Finally, a few minutes later, another helicopter began to approach the girls.

As it got closer, the ground around the two giantesses filled with activity. Tanks and police cars grouped in front of them, all their guns pointed straight up.

Rini leaned over to Serenity.

"Are you sure they had us come here to talk to their leader?" she whispered, "Looks more like they want to attack us in a place away from their precious city."

"Which, you destroyed already." Serenity whispered back, "Just relax. It's probably a precautionary measure. We'll get this worked out and good home."

Rini stood up straight and glared down at the military and police personal. Sensing Rini's lingering uneasiness, the soldiers cowered beneath Rini burning stare. They all took a step back. Rini smiled, knowing everyone here was still in fear of her.

The helicopter landed and Serenity got down on her knees, ready to talk and work things out. But Rini remained standing, arms folded defiantly over her chest, still glaring at the soldiers, who cowered even more.

"Rini." Serenity said, glancing back over her shoulder, "Behave yourself now."

"Yes mother." Rini said, unhappy at the very idea.

A door on the helicopter opened up and a single man stepped out. He walked a short ways out and climbed into a manlift vehicle. He pushed a button and the platform rose up into the air until it reached it's limit. It was high up, but even kneeling, Serenity still towered over him.

Serenity bent over, bringing her face very close to the man. In response, the man backed again the railing in fear. Serenity noticed this, and she pulled back a little. The man straightened and fixed his suit.

"Greetings!" the man shouted, "I am the president of this fair country! Who are you?!"

"Hello Mr 'President'." Serenity said, "I'm am Neo Queen Serenity, leader of the Lunarians, a people living on the Moon"

"You live on the moon?" The president asked, "How is that possible?"

Pardon me sir. Serenity said, "But we are here to discuss why you attacked my royal city. Now, you mentioned you are the leader of this country. Are you not the leader of this whole planet?"

"Oh course not!" the president said, "No one man rules this whole planet."

"But your country did attack my city?" Serenity asked, leaning in closer.

"It is true we fired a missile at the moon." The president said, "But we had no idea it was aimed at any civilization. We shot the moon in the name of science, not vengeance."

"And yet, when my daughter attacked your city, you retaliated against her." Serenity said, motioning to Rini, "If you were not at fault, why did you not try to get in contact with her."

"That girl completely destroyed one of our largest cities!" the president said, "We had every right to attack her. And, I believe it is only fair, that you pay for the entire city to be rebuilt."

"I will do no such thing, sir!" Serenity said, nearly knocking the president off the platform with her raised voice, "Even though our technology is far advanced from your own, we have no way to rebuild your city."

"Well then, why not give us your technology instead?" the president said, "It seems we could benefit greatly from it. For instance, I'm guessing not all people on the moon are as large as you or your daughter are. You must have some kind of machine that did that to you, am I right?"

Serenity said nothing.

"If we had that technology, we could rebuild the city ourselves in half the time." the president said, "Don't you agree that is a great idea?"

"I don't." Serenity said.

"What?" the president said.

"You're people are too eager to fight." Serenity said, "You would use my technology as a weapon too quickly. As I calculate, if you used the GTS system as a weapon, your planet would be completely destroyed in a matter of months due to your silly wars."

The president was silent. For once, he had no idea what to say next. Serenity stood back up, towering even higher now.

"We are done here." Serenity said, "Consider this the final warning the Earth gets from the Moon Kingdom. If any of my cities are damaged again, you will not only receive another visit from my daughter, but me as well."

Rini grinned and pointed down at the soldiers then pointed to her feet. She stomped her foot on the ground, grinding it back and forth and making motions to indicate the soldiers would be under her feet next time they meet.

"We will be leaving now." Serenity said, "Come on Rini."

Serenity and Rini turned around and headed back towards the harbor, where their asteroid transport ships waited at the bottom of the bay. They passed through the destroyed city and waded into the water until they reached the ships, bending down until they were completely underwater.

Now submerged, Serenity and Rini re-entered their ships and the doors closed. Once the water was drained, and they were dried by the systems of the ships, Serenity and Rini were again put to sleep as the asteroids lifted out of the water and rocketed back into the sky on a course to the Moon.

The city was left in ruins, fires still burning and smoke rising into the sky all across the city. In the streets, people resorted to looting what remained of the stores. The roads were filled with cars, either abandoned or squashed flat from Rini's rampage. The elevated railway system was completely destroyed, the trains lying on the ground in twisted heaps. There was barely a third of the city's original population still alive

Back at the negotiation site, the president returned to his helicopter and took off. On he way back, he got on the phone.

"General." the president said, "Prepare for a new assignment. Any spy satellites we have, direct them towards the moon. We are not done with those aliens."

"Yes sir!" the general said.


Serenity and Rini returned to the Moon Kingdom. During their travel, the GTS system inside each asteroid had reversed the process, changing them back into their normal heights. Together, they walked back to the palace.

"Well, what a day this was." Serenity said.

"Speak for yourself." Rini said, "I had a great day! Those Earthlings couldn't touch me with their pitiful weapons! And I got to step on so much stuff!"

"You did well Rini." Serenity said, "I believe you are now a full-fledged invasion soldier of the Moon Kingdom. Now, if we ever need it, you can invade a planet all by yourself."

"You mean it?!" Rini said, "YAY! I passed the test!"

"I have to ask Rini." Serenity said, "How did you get so knowledgeable of the GTS system? I haven't been able to teach you that much."

"Come on!" Rini said, grabbing Serenity's hand and pulling her into the palace, "I'll show you!"

Rini dragged Serenity up to her bedroom and threw the door open. Luna Pi rolled up to Rini.

"Watch!" Rini shouted, "Luna Pi, Kitty Magic!"

With a blast of smoke, Luna Pi created an large model city across Rini's bedroom's floor. Rini laughed and jumped into the middle of the city, stomping and crashing all over the buildings and cars and devastating a large section of the city in seconds.

"Come on mommy!" Rini shouted, "It's really fun."

Serenity only smiled and stepped into the city to join her daughter. For the rest of the night, the two enjoyed the delightful crunching sounds of model buildings and toy cars crushing beneath their feet, their laughter echoing across the palace grounds.

Out in space, no one noticed as satellite began to creep closer to the moon, their unblinking gazes scanning the moon's surface.

The people of the Earth and the people of the Moon, might just meet again.