Negative Influence

(Quadrant Gamma)

NOTE from author: This story uses the characters’ American names.  In addition, this is a very lighthearted take on the scouts, so please don’t be offended if I poke a little fun at the show here and there.

            Serena raced to school, late, as usual.  Her blonde ponytails bobbed as her long, thin legs compelled her down the sidewalk in a desperate attempt to get there on time.

            “I tried to wake you,” Luna said, her feline speed letting her easily keep up with the ditz.  “I always said you shouldn’t sleep so late.  If you allowed half as much time to get ready in the morning as you allow for daydreaming about Tuxedo Mask…”

            Luna’s words were lost on Serena as soon as she mentioned Tuxedo Mask.  Ooh, Darien, Serena thought.  Wonder if I’ll see him today.

            Things hadn’t been easy for the couple.  Every few months, it seemed, some trauma occurred to make them break up.  But, the Sailor Scouts had just defeated Queen Coronary last week.  Queen Coronary, who turned fatty foods into monsters, had made the past few months hell for the Scouts.  Now that she was out of the way, Serena and Darien had finally gotten back together (yet again!) and Serena knew that things would work out this time.

            She rounded the corner into the schoolyard and saw her friends Amy and Lita waiting for the bell to ring.  She waved to get their attention.

            “Hey, guys, wait for –”

            She never finished her sentence.  Halfway through, she tripped on Luna and fell forward, the two of them rolling for several yards in a tangled mess before coming to a stop in front of her friends.  Serena and Luna both moaned softly in pain.

            Lita smirked.  “Way to go, meatball head.”

            She and Amy laughed.  Things were definitely back to normal.


*          *          *          *


            That day, after school, Serena, Raye, and Amy had met up with Mina at the arcade.  Serena and Raye were engaged in a deathmatch in the Sailor V game, while Mina was filling Amy in on some of the gossip from her private school.

            Lita arrived, bringing a redhead with her.  “Hey, Lita,” Amy said, her words laced with her strange accent.  “Why so late?”

            “I was hanging out with my new friend.  Guys, this is Sissy Baxter.”

            Amy and Mina introduced themselves, but Serena and Raye were still engrossed in their game.

            “I brought cookies,” Sissy said.

            Serena’s eyes lit up and her mouth started watering.  She spun around, ignoring the game.  “Hi!  I’m Serena!  Pleased to meetcha!”  She bowed quickly to Sissy and began scarfing down cookies.  “Wow,” she said, her mouth full of cookies.  “These cookies are just like the kind I make, right guys?”

            “Sure,” Mina said.  “Except they taste good!”

            She, Amy, Lita, and Sissy laughed.  “Hey, my cooking’s not that bad,” Serena said.  Her protests were not heard above their laughter.

            What could be heard, however, was a sound from the Sailor V game.  Serena turned around and saw Raye’s Sailor V killing her own Sailor V, while Raye stood laughing.  “Ha ha ha.  You lose again, meatball head!”

            Serena turned around.  She faced Sissy and narrowed her eyes.  “You made me lose my game.”

            It was not the beginning of a beautiful friendship.


*          *          *          *



            Over the next few weeks, Serena became convinced that Sissy had it out for her.  Serena could tell she was trying to replace her among her friends.  She cooked better, she was taller, she had bigger, um, “talents…” Sissy had even begun wearing her hair in pigtails!

            Serena knew what Sissy was up to, even if no one else would believe her.  (Heck, Mina wasn’t even threatened by Sissy, and she was Lita’s best friend!)  If Serena didn’t watch her back, before she knew it, Sissy would replace her as the class ditz, and after that, who knows?  No one could replace her as Sailor Moon, could they?

            So that’s what she’s up to, Serena thought as she trailed Lita and Sissy one night.  She had transformed into Sailor Moon to better keep up with them as they walked.  They were in the park right now, and Serena was keeping her eye on Sissy.  I can’t believe Lita was taken in so easily.  Then again, it makes sense to go after Lita first, since she’s the strongest of us scouts.  But she won’t fool me, no sir-ee –

            Her thoughts were interrupted when she noticed that Lita and Sissy had stopped walking.  She strained to hear what they were saying, activating the listening orbs located in each of the blonde meatball-shaped bundles of hair atop her head.  The other park visitors made listening difficult, and Serena could barely hear over the various conversations and barking dogs.

            “– what’s this important thing you’ve got to tell me?”  Lita was asking.

            “I’m afraid I haven’t been completely honest with you,” Sissy said.

            I knew it!  Serena prepared for whatever Sissy’s secret was.

            “You see… My name is actually Princess Cisibax, and I’m from a place called… The Negaverse.”

            Serena’s worst fears were confirmed.  She burst out of the bushes she’d been hiding behind.

            She was too late.  She saw “Sissy,” or rather Cisibax, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a wand of some kind.  Serena only had one chance.  She pulled out her own wand and blasted at Cisibax.

            The shot went wild, hitting the ground between Cisibax and Lita. Passersby began to scatter immediately as Lita and Cisibax were each sent flying away from the blast. Cisibax’s wand flew out of her hand, only to be caught, and predictably fumbled, by Serena.  It fell and bounced toward Cisibax, who was already getting up.  Serena knew that she couldn’t let that nega-slime get hold of that weapon.

            They got to the wand at the same time.  As they grappled over it, Cisibax tried to brainwash Serena, saying things like, “you don’t understand,” “let me explain,” “it’s not what you think,” “I don’t want to hurt anybody,” and the like.  But Serena would not be fooled.  With a grunt, she tried to wrest control of it away from Cisibax, but instead she merely felt a “click” as the wand’s handle extended a few inches.

            The wand glowed for a moment, then lit up in a flash of white light that momentarily blinded Serena.  When her vision cleared, she saw that she was still right next to Cisibax, and that they each still were gripping the wand.

            What she didn’t see was everything else.  Looking around, Serena saw only empty sky.  Confused, she relinquished her hold on the wand and took a step back.  A weird, squishy crunch accompanied her step, and she looked down to see a tiny dog barking at her.  The dog couldn’t have been more than half an inch long.  That’s weird, she thought.  What’s this tiny dog doing here?  Someone should put him on a leash.  That’s when she noticed a tiny thread leading from the dog’s neck to underneath her boot.

            Uh oh.  Quickly piecing together that somehow she and Cisibax had grown to enormous size, she hastily backed away from the scene before she had the chance to squish Lita.  She was so concerned about Lita, in fact, that she wasn’t paying attention to where she was going and she tripped over a telephone line.  She landed hard, flattening an entire city block.

            Serena hoped that Lita, unlike the 200-some souls who had just perished beneath her, was okay.  But for the moment, she had to make sure Cisibax wouldn’t use this as an opportunity to escape.  She saw that the evil princess was fiddling with her wand, muttering something like, “This is all wrong.”  Of course it was wrong.  Cisibax’s plan must have been to use her wand’s growth powers to conquer the Earth.  She hadn’t planned on anyone getting in her way like Serena had.  She’d better not give Cisibax the chance to use any more tricks.  She removed her tiara and, using her Moon magic to give it a spin, threw it forcefully at Cisibax.  The beautiful redheaded giantess was caught unawares and was sent flying backward.  She flew through several office buildings before finally landing on a hospital.

            Serena knew that wouldn’t keep her down for long, and already Cisibax was stirring.  Serena stood up and dusted debris and body parts off of her, and took off in Cisibax’s direction, heedless of whatever and whomever stood between them.


*          *          *          *


            Despite Amy’s attempts to keep them on track, once again the scout’s evening study session had devolved into a discussion of what boys they found cute.  Everyone knew how much Mina liked the superstar singer/actor Jonah (he was so hunky that he didn’t need a last name), but Mina and Amy were trying to make Raye admit that she liked Chad.  Meanwhile, all three were wondering where Serena and Lita were.

            At that point the television, which had been playing one of Jonah’s music videos, switched to a news bulletin.  “We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for this breaking story,” an announcer announced.  “We take you live to downtown Tokyo, where reporter Suzie Grayson has the details.  Suzie?”

            The screen changed to what was presumably downtown, though none of the scouts recognized it.  Every landmark building was a smoldering pile of rubble.  What could have caused all this damage?

            I’m reporting to you from downtown,” Suzie Grayson began, the normally unflappable reporter looking scared out of her wits, “where two giantesses have been waging battle.  One appears to be the famed superhero Sailor Moon, while the other is a far more attractive redhead.  They’ve nearly leveled the area, and officials warn all citizens to keep away from downtown.”  She glanced behind her, where a yellow bus was slowly making its way down the obstacle-laden street.  “Behind me you see a bus transporting blind orphans out of the area.  We can only thank heaven that they’re safe.”

            At almost the exact moment she said this, an enormous red boot slammed down behind her, grinding the bus into non-existence.  “Dear lord,” Suzie said.  She looked past the camera, clearly making eye contact with the cameraman.  “They’re here!  We’ve got to get out of here!  We’ve got--”

            Before she could say any more, an equally gigantic blue high-heeled shoe came down on her.  Seconds later, the station turned to static.

            Amy, Raye, and Mina stared at each other in disbelief for a moment.  Finally, Mina said, “We’ve got to get down there and stop them.”  Raye and Amy merely nodded.

            Mina’s communicater beeped.  She answered it and saw Lita rubbing her head with a somewhat dazed look in her eyes.  It looked like she had a concussion.  “Mina!  There’s something you guys have gotta see!”

            Mina massaged the bridge of her nose.  “We already know, Lita.  We’re on our way.”


*          *          *          *


            Serena had to admit, Princess Cisibax was putting up one heck of a fight.  The fight had gone on for nearly an hour, and Cisibax didn’t look close to going down.  But Serena was undaunted.  I’ve got plenty of fight left myself, she thought.

            She didn’t look as good as she felt, however.  The fight had visibly taken its toll on the giantesses in the form of bruises, cuts, black eyes, and ripped clothing.  The latter had elicited a number of hoots and hollers from male citizens as the giantesses had made their way through the city.  Unfortunately, their catcalls were generally short-lived, as the men quickly found themselves flattened beneath a body part of one of the girls.  Serena, in fact, carried a stain on the bottom of her exposed panties from when she landed on a large crowd of ogling men.  Cisibax looked just as bad – a large tear had formed in her shirt, leaving her massive breasts precariously close to becoming fully exposed.  A number of people, along with remnants of the buildings she’d flown through, clung fearfully to her hair.  She’d lost count of how many of them had fallen into the canyon of her cleavage, possibly never to be seen again.

            As Serena was calculating the best way to take Cisibax down, her opponent seized the opportunity to hide.  Since their battle had just entered a new part of town, there were still a number of buildings standing, and she dove behind some of them.

            Serena saw Cisibax act and was quick to follow.  “Get away from those buildings,” she screamed, desperate to protect the helpless citizens inside from whatever Cisibax had planned for them.  She launched herself through a building and landed on Cisibax.  Debris and bodies rained down as they wrestled in the street.

            Soon Serena had the upper hand – a young child had fortunately fallen into Cisibax’s eye, and Serena made good use of the distraction.  She raised her wand and prepared to perform her strongest blast.

            Just then, however, she felt a strong jolt on her left side.  She raised her hand to swat the annoyance, only to feel a strong burning on her right side.  Her legs were suddenly freezing!  And, to top it all off, a burst of light from the ground momentarily blinded her.

            She then heard a small voice calling to her.  “Serena!  Sissy!  What’s going on here?”  As Serena’s sight returned, she saw Sailor Venus standing bravely between the leviathans, with Jupiter, Mars, and Mercury on her three other sides.

            “Venus,” Serena demanded, “what’s your problem?  I was just about to destroy this monster!”

            “I’m the monster?”  Cisibax was in tears.  “You’re the one who wouldn’t even give me the chance to explain myself!  And look what you’ve done!  Everything that’s happened, it’s all your fault!”

            “Don’t let her brainwash you, girls.  She’s from the Negaverse!”

            “No she’s not,” Lita said.

            “I heard her say it myself!”

            Cisibax stood up.  “What I said… was that I’m from a place called the Megaverse!”

            Serena sat in stunned silence for a moment.  “Er… The Megaverse?”

            Cisibax narrowed her eyes.  “Yes.  I came here, disguised as a human, to learn about humanity, in the hopes of one day becoming your ally.  Sadly, it seems that humans are too violent to be trusted.  As consequence, you must be exterminated.”  She pointed her wand at Serena and a blue ray shot out.  In moments, Serena was back to her regular height, looking way up at the impossibly tall princess.  “I will be back, with others of my race, to make sure that humans never threaten another people again!”  With a wave of her wand, she was gone.

            Serena looked nervously back and forth between the scouts.  “Uh… Oops?”

            She was immediately hit from all sides with verbal abuse.  “You think ‘oops’ is gonna cut it, meatball head?”

            “If only you’d asked me about it, my computer would have told us that she meant no harm.”

            “I can’t believe that you’re our leader instead of me!”

            “She was my friend and you drove her to hate the human race!  I’ll get you!”

            Serena was about to cry.  Fortunately, Tuxedo Mask arrived just then, along with Luna and Artemis.  Darien would defend her!

            “Sailor Moon,” he began, “I’m afraid that, in light of this new threat, I think it would be best if we broke up.”

            Was he serious?  “WAAAAHHHH!!!!” Serena bawled.  It just wasn’t fair!

            Luna sighed.  “If only you spent as much time studying as you do destroying downtown Tokyo…”