Morphin' Misconception 3: Time for Time Force


Deep within the murky swamp not too far from Silver Hills lies the Time Force's Cryo Prison, where all criminal mutants are normally kept as punishment for crimes. Of course, nowadays, it served as the headquarters for Ransik and his cronies. Things were quiet for the most part, with Ransik and Gluto walking left and right scanning their vast collection of mutants, trying to decide which one they should revive to take on the Time Force Power Rangers. Nadira, in the meantime, seemed to have too much free time on her hands as she was playing around with action figures of the rangers.
"You puny rangers can't stop me! I, Nadira, now have the power to stop you!" Nadira shouted. She altered her voice as she moved around the figures.
"Oh no, Nadira has grown to a huge size! What will we do?" Nadira shouted, moving the pink ranger.
"We have no choice! We need the Time Force Megazord!" Nadira shouted in a lower pitch as she moved the red ranger. She threw all five ranger figures away and pulled out the Time Force Megazord figure. Naturally, being just an action figure, it was the same height as the ranger action figures, but that did not bother Nadira with her fantasies.
"Hahahaha! You call this little thing the Time Force Megazord? I could get a good kick out of this!" Nadira said, and keeping true to her word, she tossed the Megazord figure into the air, let it fall, and then kicked it across the chambers. The figure slammed right onto Frax's head, who was sitting at a nearby table looking at a computer screen.
"OUCH!!! Young lady, can't you play with your toys somewhere else? I'm trying to do valuable research here!" Frax shouted.
"Hmmph... whatever. You're such a party pooper sometimes!" Nadira shouted.

This little argument pretty much went unnoticed by Ransik and Gluto as they continued to scan the gallery of mutants.
"Hmmmm... I must choose the right mutant to face off against those cursed Time Force Power Rangers. But none of these look very menacing or strong." Ransik said.
"Maybe you should use that one. I hear he was quite the criminal in the year 3000." Gluto said. Ransik simply looked angrily over at the fellow mutant.
"When I want your advice, I'll ask for it!" Ransik said.
"Um... yes. My apologies, master." Gluto said.
"Ransik! I have important news!" Frax shouted.
"Frax, I have no time for your robotic theories when I'm trying to choose the right mutant for the job!" Ransik shouted.
"Oh, but you may not need your pathetic mutants to stop those rangers after I show you this!" Frax shouted. Ransik raised an eyebrow (the only one you could see because half his face was covered) and finally sighed and turned away from the mutant gallery.
"Alright, I'm listening." Ransik said. Eventually he, Gluto, and Nadira all crowded around the monitor that Frax was looking at.
"I've been doing research on alternative energy sources from the 31st century when I came across this thing." Frax said.
"Huh? It's just another crystal. Don't we have plenty of those in the future?" Gluto said.
"It does look gorgeous... maybe I can turn it into a beautiful necklace!" Nadira said.
"Ahem... this jewel is the Imperium Silver Crystal. It is said to have brought life back to a city named Tokyo. In the year 3000, it is known as Crystal Tokyo and remains one of the capital cities of Earth. It brought to meaning the 'Silver Millennium' of which we all live in." Frax said.
"And what makes this crystal so special?" Ransik asked.
"It is said that the crystal granted immortality and ever-lasting peace to everyone who lives in Crystal Tokyo. Why... there's not a speck of criminal activity that happens there! Only those with just as much power as the crystal itself have attempted to capture its power." Frax said.
"Immortality, you say?" Ransik said.
"That is correct, and it can grant the wishes of anyone who wields it." Frax said.

"This may be just what we need to finally stop those blasted rangers, and allow the mutants to rule the Earth!" Ransik said.
"Um... there's just one problem, we're stuck here in the past! And the crystal is in the year 3000, and also in another city!" Gluto said.
"Never fear, I have been working on a solution for that as well!" Frax said. He opened up a panel on his robotic body, pulling out another set of crystals. These crystals Ransik quickly recognized.
"Trizirium crystals?" Ransik asked.
"As you know, these are the most powerful forms of energy from our time. These things pack so much power... we can travel back and forth between time with ease. I had been saving them in case of an emergency, because I don't have very many of them." Frax said.
"Brilliant work, Frax! I may have misjudged you all this time." Ransik said.
"Alright, let's head back to the future and get that crystal!" Nadira shouted.
"Actually, I think it's very important that someone stay behind. The rangers will surely learn about us using these crystals, especially with all the energy they let out." Frax said.
"Yes, you are right. Nadira, I want you and Gluto to stay behind while Frax and I travel to Crystal Tokyo." Ransik said.
"What!? Awwww... what am I supposed to do?" Nadira said.
"Keep those rangers occupied! Maybe you can rob that jewelry store you said you always wanted to rob." Ransik said.
"Oh... I like the sound of that!" Nadira said.
"Well, please allow me the time necessary to prepare the crystals. If I can set them correctly, it will create a time portal for us to travel to!" Frax said as he and Ransik walked out of the main room. Gluto closely approached Nadira.
"So... I guess it's a date then, eh?" Gluto said.
"Shut up, you fat toad! Come on, help me get a bunch of Cyclobots." Nadira said as she swung her cape around and walked in the opposite direction.

Much later, at the clock tower that the rangers nicknamed Nick of Time Odd Jobs, it was just as quiet over there. Lucas and Katie were sparring, Trip was trying to invent something new despite using 'outdated' technology, and Jen and Wes were standing on the balcony, getting a good look at the city.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Jen asked.
"Well, yeah. I suppose it is." Wes said.
"In the year 3000, I always enjoy looking out at the city from a balcony. The view is always spectactular. It makes you want to just reach out and grab the picturesque view." Jen said.
"You're right. It's just too bad I don't often get that luxury." Wes said.
"What do you mean?" Jen asked.
"There's never been any picturesque views with my father. It was always his business... and it still is, with the Silver Guardians and all. I wish one day we could have a father-and-son moment like any other child would." Wes said.
"I'm sure you will, Wes." Jen said.
"Thanks, Jen." Wes said.
"In fact, I feel it is destiny. That's what Alex always tells me." Jen said.
"Oh, right. You know... you're very lucky, to have a guy like him." Wes said.
"No. I'm lucky I met you." Jen said. She leaned over like she was ready to give him a kiss on the cheek, but suddenly Circuit, Time Force's robotic owl, flew in.
"Hey, guys! Trip is picking up a very strong energy reading!" Circuit said. Jen very briefly had an annoyed look on her face, but quickly brushed it aside as a very strong energy reading usually meant something.
"What is it, Circuit?" Jen asked.
"Not sure yet... I bet it has something to do with Ransik." Circuit said.
"We better check it out." Wes said. Jen nodded and the two walked back inside.

Inside, they saw Trip playing around with some of his equipment. Lucas and Katie were standing behind him and watching.
"Report, Trip!" Jen said.
"Energy readers show some kind of portal activity going on at the Cryo Prison. My scanners can't really detect what kind of energy it is... but it's enough to open a time portal." Trip said.
"Like the one our zords come through?" Wes asked.
"Precisely." Trip said.
"You don't suppose Ransik has found a way to return to the future?" Lucas said.
"I hope not, that would be bad news." Katie said.
"It's hard to tell. Like I said, I don't know exactly what power source he is using. There are a number of crystals that make time travel possible, as you know." Trip said.
"Well, whatever he's up to, we'll just have to wait it out. When he does strike, we'll be ready." Jen said. Indeed, when Jen says to be ready, the rangers had to be ready. They all began thinking about what Ransik could possibly have in mind.

Meanwhile, on the grassy hills outside of Crystal Tokyo, a large portal opened up and dumped Ransik and Frax out from the other end. Both landed hard on the grass as the portal closed up.
"Ouch! You stupid bot! You could've warned me the landing would be anything but soft!" Ransik shouted.
"Hey, just a slight miscalculation! We're here, aren't we?" Frax said. Ransik, after dusting himself off, looked out in the distance and was almost blinded by the serene beauty of the city, especially the crystal tower that stood high in the city.
"Hmmm... you are right. It truly is magnificent. A perfect place to build my evil empire." Ransik said.
"According to my database, the silver crystal is somewhere in that tower." Frax said, pointing out to the crystal tower.
"Good. Then let us proceed." Ransik said. As the two villains walked down the hill and through the city that immediately preceded the tower, they were stared at by many people. Of course, that was to be expected. Crystal Tokyo was very much a peaceful place, and seeing a robot and a man who clearly looked evil was quite unusual. Of course, nobody said anything or acted like they were going to say something. Surely they are here for a reason, they all thought. Perhaps to speak with Neo Queen Serenity?

When the villains arrived at the front entrance to the castle, they were stopped by two guards.
"Halt, state your names and business." one of the men said.
"Our names need not concern you. We are here to speak with the princess." Ransik said.
"Sorry, but nobody can speak with her royal highness unless authorized." the other said. This of course didn't faze Ransik. He reached behind his back, grabbing a loose bone and forming a huge sword out of his flesh. The guards shivered when they saw the sharpness of the sword.
"Now do you authorize us?" Ransik asked. The guards simply ran away, leaving the front door unoccupied.
"Haha! For a couple of castle guards, they sure are chicken!" Frax shouted. Ransik kicked up the doors and the two villains were inside the castle.
As the two were walking down the hallways, Ransik checked with Frax one last time to make sure they had the critical item they needed.
"Frax, you have the mutant DNA?" Ransik asked.
"Of course, as you ordered. Once the contents of this vial get spread onto a human body, they become your mindless slaves!" Frax said.
"Good, because I feel we will be needing it soon." Ransik said. Right as he said that, a ball of lightning came flying at the two villains.
"Look out!" Frax shouted. The two luckily jumped out of the way and the lightning hit the ground. Both villains looked to see four of the sailor scouts (Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, and Venus) standing about ten yards ahead of them in the hallway.
"Hold it right there, you brutes!" Sailor Jupiter shouted, her hands still charged with electricity.
"This is the royal ground of our ruler, Neo Queen Serenity, and you're trespassing!" Sailor Mars shouted.
"So I suggest you leave at once so that nobody gets hurt." Sailor Venus said.
"Frax, who are these ladies?" Ransik said.
"I believe they are the sailor scouts, protectors of the queen and the silver crystal." Frax said.
"Heh heh heh, on the contrary, young ladies... I suggest YOU leave before YOU get hurt." Ransik said.

After he said that, both Neo Queen Serenity along with her daughter, Rini, came running in behind the scouts.
"There, master! The possessor of the Imperium Silver Crystal, Neo Queen Serenity!" Frax shouted.
"What's going on!?" Neo Queen Serenity said.
"Stay back, your highness... we've got this covered!" Sailor Mercury said.
"Yeah! Perhaps it's time we heat things up! Burning Mandala!" Sailor Mars shouted. The flame went flying towards Ransik, but without blinking, he pulled out another bone sword and twirled it around like a baton, blocking each and every one of the flames.
"Is that the best you can do, human? Haaaaaaaaaaa!!!" Ransik said. He fired a powerful energy beam that knocked both Mars and Jupiter to the floor. The beam took a lot out of them as they were slow to get back up.
"I'll get them! Crescent Beam Shower!" Sailor Venus shouted.
"Ha! This one's on me!" Frax said. He activated his forcefield power that caused the beams of light to go bouncing right back at Sailor Venus, knocking her and Sailor Mercury down to the ground. All four sailor scouts slowly got back on their feet.
"So much for the legendary sailor senshi!" Ransik said.
"We're not done yet!" Sailor Mars shouted.
"We must combine all our powers to stop them!" Sailor Mercury said. The four scouts gathered together to no doubt build up their energy, but Ransik was quick to react.
"Frax! The mutant DNA!" Ransik shouted.
"Right you are, boss!" Frax shouted. Pulling out the vials of the DNA, Frax loaded them into one of his arm cannons and fired away, with the substance spraying around each of the scouts. They all struggled to keep their balance.
"What... what is this?" Sailor Mars said.
"It's... some form of... substance... I can't... losing control..." Sailor Mercury said.
"This can't be happening..." Sailor Venus said before all four scouts fainted to the ground.

"No!" Rini shouted. She ran up to check on the four girls, and didn't see Ransik running up to her and grabbing her. While Frax was checking to make sure the mutant DNA was doing its job, Ransik held Rini up almost effortlessly using one arm.
"Rini!!!" Neo Queen Serenity shouted.
"Now, young lady, you will hand over the Imperium Silver Crystal... or this little girl sleeps with the mutants!" Ransik said. The queen knew she didn't have a choice. She wouldn't dare put Rini's life at such risk. And so she closed her hands together, with a white light forming in between. Eventually, as the hands parted ways, the silver crystal came into view and floated towards Ransik, who grabbed it with his other hand.
"Hahahaha! At last, I have the ultimate power in the universe! Now I can destroy those Power Rangers with ease!" Ransik shouted. Just then, Rini bit down on Ransik's mutated arm, causing him to lose his grip.
"OUCH!!!" Ransik shouted. Rini landed on the ground and ran towards Neo Queen Serenity.
"Come on, Rini, let's get out of here!" Neo Queen Serenity shouted.
"But what about the silver crystal, Mommy!?" Rini shouted.
"There's no time, we have to go!" Neo Queen Serenity said as the two ladies ran away from the villains.
"Arrrrrgh!!!" Ransik shouted as he pulled a sword out and fired an energy beam, missing the two ladies.
"I'll get them, master!" Frax shouted. But Ransik put an arm in front of the robot.
"Forget them. They are powerless to stop us now." Ransik said. He looked back to check on the other sailor scouts, but they were no longer there.
"Huh? What happened!? Has the mutant DNA infected those other girls?" Ransik said as he looked at Frax.
"Oh, yes. I teleported the girls outside the palace for their transformation to complete. The DNA has covered much of their bodies. It should be taking full effect right about..." Frax said. Soon, a large explosion rocked the hallway.
"What was that!?" Ransik asked.
"Hmmhmm... that DNA must've done the trick! Follow me, master!" Frax said. Ransik clutched onto his new silver crystal as he followed Frax outside.

When the two villains made it outside, there was almost nothing but the colors of human skin and different kinds of footwear in blue, green, red, and orange. The other sailor scouts were standing on their feet, now at just over 100 feet tall.
"Wow... I wonder what happened to us?" Sailor Mercury asked.
"Yeah, the last thing I remember was getting infected with this... DNA thing. Now I suddenly feel like stomping on someone!" Sailor Mars said.
"That's weird. I'm getting that same feeling. I can't remember what it is I'm supposed to be doing." Sailor Venus said.
"I don't know, but it felt good punching this formerly big castle. I feel... powerful!" Sailor Jupiter said.
"Yes, perhaps we should share our power with the rest of the city." Sailor Mercury said.
"Heck no! Let's crush them with this power! Hahahahaha!!!" Sailor Mars shouted as she was the first to step away from the Crystal Palace.
"Hey, wait for us!" Sailor Jupiter shouted.
"Yeah, save some for me!" Sailor Venus said as she too followed.
"Well... I guess this would be the right thing to do. I can't see how this can be wrong." Sailor Mercury said as she was the last to follow. Ransik smiled over seeing the work the DNA of his fellow mutants had done.
"Ah... Frax, don't you just love the smell of giants doing city-wide destruction, even though those ladies aren't true mutants?" Ransik said.
"Well, yes... you gotta hand it to that DNA. It did its job! I think it's time we brought this crystal back to the past so we can deal with those rangers!" Frax said.
"Let's not rush things, Frax. We have the ultimate power source in the whole universe. Who can stop us now? I want to see how bad those girls make things for this puny city!" Ransik shouted.
"Well, if you insist..." Frax said.

Meanwhile, Rini and Neo Queen Serenity were in the middle of the city, hoping to get away from Ransik. Although they were successful, they eventually had to watch as the other sailor scouts were suddenly giant-sized and had no problem attacking the city. That wasn't important to Neo Queen Serenity. She was only thinking about how they can solve this mess. I promise, later in this story you'll see some of the horrible things that they end up doing! ^_____^
"Oh, I'm just glad Daddy isn't here to see this. At least he's safe on that other planet." Rini said. Neo Queen Serenity, after closing her eyes from watching Amy just flatten a building under her blue boots, kneeled down and looked right in Rini's eyes.
"Listen to me, my daughter. We're going to need some help on this one. I need you to return to the past and get the sailor scouts of that time." Neo Queen Serenity said.
"Oh, of course! They've helped us before, especially Sailor Moon!" Rini shouted.
"And they will help us again. Take the Time Key... you know what to do from there!" Neo Queen Serenity said as she formed the Time Key and handed it to Rini.
"But what about you, Mommy?" Rini said.
"Don't worry about me. I will be okay. Just go!" Neo Queen Serenity said.
"Fee fi fo fum! I smell the blood of an itty bitty queen!" Sailor Mars shouted as she now stood a few yards away from the two.
"Go, Rini!!!" Neo Queen Serenity shouted, pushing Rini away to give her a head start. While Neo Queen Serenity ran to the east to lure the giant Sailor Mars away, Rini was watching her run in that direction.
"No... Mommy says I have to go back. The sailor scouts of the past will save us again!" Rini said. She wasn't watching where she was running, and that's what led to her crashing into Sailor Venus's high heeled shoes.
"Look at that, a little pink bug! Maybe I should crush it!" Sailor Venus said. Rini gasped as she watched Sailor Venus slowly raise her foot. Rini quickly grabbed the Time Key given by her mother with both hands.
"Time Key! Get me out of here... and hurry!!!" Rini said. With only a very quick thought about traveling to the past, therefore not being specific on her time and destination, Rini disappeared. Sailor Venus ended up crushing nothing but the crystallized road beneath her heels. Not that it bothered her much. She felt there would be many more sorry little innocent victims to claim for herself.

As for Rini, it was while she was flying through the portal of time (as created by Sailor Pluto) that she realized she may have been a bit hasty in trying to get to the past. She feared for the worst as to where she would end up. Of course, lucky for her she would end up meeting another group of heroes, one more specialized in the crisis that Crystal Tokyo now faces...

Back in Silver Halls, it was chaos for one of the jewelry stores. Cyclobots began to emerge from the destroyed place, with Nadira and Gluto behind them.
"Hahahaha! I just love beautiful diamonds and necklaces! Especially at my favorite price... free!!!" Nadira shouted. Gluto, meanwhile, looked up at the sky and saw a portal opening.
"Hey, look at that!" Gluto said. Everyone stopped their walk when they looked up and saw that same portal. Eventually, Rini came flying out from the portal. Unlike the last time she used the Time Key, she was unprepared to see the ground so quickly and was waving her arms and legs around.
"Eeeeek... not now! Not now!!!" Rini shouted. But luckily for her, she landed right on top of a Cyclobot, breaking her fall. But she still felt a little dizzy as she rolled down on the road, sitting herself up.

Nadira and Gluto, meanwhile, were amazed with what they just saw.
"Whoa... did you see that, Nadira?" Gluto asked.
"Of course, toad twerp! I've heard of raining cats and dogs, but little girls? Especially the pink hair! Nobody has pink hair except me!!!" Nadira shouted.
"Shhhhh! She's waking up!" Gluto said.
"Ugh... what happened? Where am I?" Rini asked.
"Hey there, little girl. Where are your parents?" Nadira asked.
"Huh? Who are you? I don't recognize you." Rini said.
"My name is Nadira. Where do you come from, little girl?" Nadira asked.
"The name's Rini, and I come from the future." Rini said.
"Huh? You're from the future?" Gluto said.
"Yeah... I'm looking for the sailor scouts." Rini said.
"Well, no sailor scouts here. Maybe we can find them!" Nadira said.
"But my mommy said never to talk to strangers." Rini said.
"Oh, but I'm no stranger. I'm your friend!" Nadira said. Rini took another look at Nadira, and then looked over at Gluto and the Cyclobots. She finally looked around the city she was in. Definitely nothing like Tokyo of the past.
"No! I'm at the wrong place!" Rini said as she turned around and started running as fast as she could.
"Get her, Cyclobots!" Nadira shouted. The Cyclobots started stepping in rhythm (as they always did), keeping pace with Rini who could not run very far as young as she appeared.

She ran for at least a couple minutes before finally started to breathe harder and harder. Finally, she tripped over her Luna Ball and landed on the ground. The Cyclobots began to surround themselves around Rini as Nadira laughed away.
"Hahahaha! A little girl from the future can really help us out. We'll hold onto until Daddy comes home!" Nadira said. It looked pretty hopeless for Rini, so she did the only thing logical.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...!!!" Rini screamed. Soon, a crescent moon formed on her forehead and shot a thin beam of light into the sky. The Cyclobots scampered out of the way while Nadira and Gluto were almost blinded by the light.
"Arrrgh! What the...!" Nadira shouted.

Back at the clock tower, Lucas was standing out on the balcony when he saw the same beam of light flash into the air.
"Whoa, guys! Look at this!" Lucas shouted. The other four rangers came running outside to look at the light with him.
"Man, that light is bright!" Katie said.
"Could it be Ransik making his move?" Wes asked.
"Only one way to find out. Let's move out, rangers!" Jen shouted. Everyone nodded and then ran back inside.
"Ready!?" Jen shouted.
"Ready!!!" the other rangers shouted.
"Time for... Time Force!!!" they all shouted, soon morphing into Time Force Power Rangers.

Back on the streets of Silver Hills, the energy died down as Rini let out the last of her scream, still crying her heart out despite all that, however. Nadira and Gluto were simply amazed with what they just saw.
"Whoa... such amazing power." Nadira said.
"Yeah! That little girl just let out all that energy with one scream!" Gluto said.
"With that much power, think of the bad things we can do with it. I could rob the biggest jewelry store in town with an ear-piercing scream like that!" Nadira said.
"Yeah, but what would Ransik say about that?" Gluto said.
"Oh never mind! Grab that girl, Cyclobots!" Nadira said. But before they could do that, a few different-colored laser beams came flying that knocked the Cyclobots back, instantly damaging some of them beyond repair.
"Uh oh... it's the Time Force again!" Gluto said. Indeed, riding on their Vector Cycles were the Power Rangers. They rode right up to Rini before dismounting their rides and facing the villains.
"Hold it right there, Nadira!" Wes said.
"Hahaha... Power Rangers, right on time as always! Get them, Cyclobots!" Nadira shouted. While the guys charged forward and got to work fighting the Cyclobots, Jen and Katie were checking up on Rini.

"Hey, are you okay? What's your name?" Jen asked.
"Rini... but who are you two?" Rini asked.
"We're Power Rangers. Time Force Power Rangers to be exact." Katie said.
"Wait... Power Rangers? My mommy's told me about you. I thought they were just legends!" Rini said.
"Well, we're quite real alright." Katie said.
"Listen, we really should get you back to your Mom. Do you know where she is?" Jen asked.
"She's in the future... she needs my help! This evil man turned the other sailor scouts into his giant slaves!" Rini said.
"Huh?" Jen said.
"Hey, what's with this crescent moon marking on your forehead?" Katie said.
"Well, when I cry, that beam shoots up in the air. It's to help my parents find me." Rini said.
"That must've been that bright light we saw!" Jen said.
"Hey, girls! A little help here!" Wes shouted.
"Rini, you just stay here with the cycles, okay? We'll be right back." Jen said. As Rini took cover behind one of the Vector Cycles, the two girls joined with the male rangers in fighting the Cyclobots, who were putting up a decent fight this time around.

Eventually, though, most of them would fall down. And to make matters worse for Nadira and Gluto, they would soon be greatly outnumbered as a familiar siren filled the air.
"Hey, what's that sound?" Trip asked.
"Oh no... don't tell me." Katie said. Indeed, several silver-colored vans came flying in from another street, and the Silver Guardians came in to finish the job, blasting away at the Cyclobots until they were all destroyed. The last person to come out of any of the vans was Eric Myers, already morphed into the Quantum Ranger.
"Hey there, rangers! Clearly you need my help once more!" Eric said, cocky as he always is.
"For your information, buster, we were doing just fine!" Katie shouted.
"Kate... not now." Wes said.
"Yeah, not now. We have some arresting to do. Alright, you crooks! You're under arrest!" Eric shouted as he looked over at Nadira and Gluto.
"Uh oh... we better get out of here, Nadira!" Gluto said.
"Oh, you go run! I'm gonna stay and fight these clowns!" Nadira said.
"Against all of us? You gotta be crazy, Nadira! The Silver Guardians will stop you!" Eric said.
"Oh well. You asked for it!" Nadira said. Gluto watched as Nadira lifted one of the shoulder pads, revealing a DNA Patch.
"Huh!? Not the patch! Didn't Ransik tell you never to touch that?" Gluto said. But Nadira didn't listen as she ripped the patch right off. The DNA soon bubbled its way out and covered Nadira from head to toe. And of course, we know what happens next. Nadira starts growing.

She laughs all the way until she reaches her maximum height of around 150 feet tall.
"Well, now do you think I'm outnumbered?" the now giant Nadira said. Of course, the rangers tried not to be surprised, considering almost every mutant criminal they've faced has done this... but it is Nadira we're talking about.
"Now there's something you don't see every day." Lucas said.
"Whatever! We can take her on!" Trip said.
"Nonsense. You guys would probably be overcome by her beauty. Better let the Quantum Ranger handle this!" Eric said.
"Overcome by her beauty?" Wes said.
"Wait, Wes. Eric's right, we probably should let him handle this. That little girl might know something about Ransik's plan." Jen said.
"Are you sure, Jen?" Wes asked.
"Positive." Jen said.
"Alright, Eric. She's all yours." Wes said.
"Hah! I knew you'd see things my way, eventually." Eric said.
"Heh, now I see why all those mutants love doing this! I think I'll find another jewelry store... and just pick up the whole building!" Nadira shouted before she turned around and stomped away from our heroes.
"Q-Rex, arise!" Eric shouted as he ran after the giantess, waiting for his zord to arrive. While the Silver Guardians followed suit and Gluto escaped back to the Cryo Prison, the rangers were all by themselves with Rini.

"That's... that's what happened to the other sailor scouts!" Rini said.
"Really? They grew big just like Nadira did?" Jen asked.
"Yes! Like I said, this big mean-looking guy and some golden-colored robot knocked out the girls and then made them bigger and evil! I think they may have captured Mommy!" Rini said.
"That sounds a lot like Ransik and Frax." Wes said.
"So they did find a way to return to the future! Like I suspected!" Trip said.
"Come on, let's get you back to the clock tower. It's not safe out here." Jen said. Rini nodded and hitched a ride onboard Jen's pink cycle, with the other rangers following behind.

Back at the clock tower, the rangers powered down back to their regular selves. Rini felt a little at ease to see real people beneath the colored suits. In fact, she told the rangers of just how legendary they were in her times.
"My mommy said the Power Rangers helped her many years ago. She says they are legendary." Rini said.
"Well, I guess we're more legendary than we think." Lucas said.
"Yeah, but we've heard those stories too. The rangers truly are famous, I guess you could say." Katie said.
"Alright, Rini. This is important. Where do you come from? Are you from the future?" Jen said.
"Yes. I come from the year 3000, in Crystal Tokyo." Rini said.
"But what are you doing here in 2001?" Wes asked.
"I was trying to find the sailor scouts... I mean, the sailor scouts of this time. They've helped us before. But I think I have have warped to the wrong place. I had to escape very fast from the giant sailor scouts." Rini said.
"So tell us what this evil man, named Ransik, has done in your time." Jen said.
"Well, sure. I saw this big man. Ransik was really tall, and had part of his face covered by a mask. He also had very spiky armor. There was also this golden robot. I heard him say 'mutant DNA,' that's probably what has made by friends so big and nasty!" Rini said.
"That's him, alright, and the robot is Frax. They're the worst criminals ever." Katie said.
"Rini, were those two after anything?" Jen asked.
"Yes. They captured the Imperium Silver Crystal. It belongs to my mommy, and it helps keep the city peaceful." Rini said.
"The Imperium Silver Crystal? I've heard of that. It is a jewel of greatly unimaginable power. There have been many criminals who have tried to harness its powers, but they've always been foiled by either Neo Queen Serenity or the sailor scouts." Trip said.
"Weren't they a superhero team just like us, only in Tokyo?" Lucas said.
"Well, yes. They still are together... at least four of them. Neo Queen Serenity was once Sailor Moon, the leader of the team. Then she got married with King Endymion and her fighting days were over." Trip said.
"Wow... you know all this, Trip?" Katie asked.
"Well, I go through the archives a lot in my spare time." Trip said.

"But that explains why Ransik got to the future. He clearly wants to have that crystal, so he can have all the power he wants!" Lucas said.
"We can't let that happen! We have to get to the future somehow!" Jen said.
"But how?" Katie asked.
"Couldn't you guys use the Time Flyers? I mean, they travel through time to get here." Wes said. Trip immediately shook his head.
"Unfortunately, the Chroma-Shields on the jets aren't powerful enough to protect us. We'd be ripped to shreds by the fabric of space and time." Trip said.
"I used this key my Mom gave me to travel back to this time. Maybe I can get you guys to the future!" Rini said.
"Are you sure you can, Rini?" Jen asked.
"Yes. Luna-P says I've mastered this key. If I could bring the sailor scouts to the future, then I can do the same for you! But maybe I should find a way to contact the sailor scouts first..." Rini said, but Jen immediately shook her head.
"With all due respect, Rini, if Ransik has made your friends gigantic using some mutant DNA, the sailor scouts wouldn't stand a chance. I think you should be lucky you ran into us instead." Jen said with a smile.
"She's right. This is a job for the Power Rangers!" Wes said.
"Okay... I trust you guys!" Rini said.
"Good! We better not waste any time. Circuit, inform Captain Logan we'll be in Crystal Tokyo in the year 3000!" Jen said.
"You got it, rangers! Good luck!" Circuit said.

As our heroes ran outside the clock tower, Wes made a brief comment about time travel to Jen.
"Gee, I wonder what the future's gonna look like." Wes said. Jen quickly remembered that Wes was from this time period and not from the one she was from. She showed a brief smile.
"You'll love it. I promise." Jen said.
"Okay, everyone stay close." Rini said. All five rangers stood right behind her.
"Okay, we're ready." Trip said.
"Back to the future time." Katie said.
"Time Key! Please take us back home to Crystal Tokyo!" Rini shouted. This time acting much more calm, since there wasn't an evil giantess threatening to stomp on her, Rini held the key in the air until a bright light engulfed everyone, thus beginning everyone's trip to the future.

While they're busy doing that, we better check and see what kind of things our giantesses are doing! ^_____^

In Crystal Tokyo, it was total chaos, and rightfully so. There was not one, not two, not three, but four evil giantesses stomping around town. And they were the sailor scouts, of all people! Of course, these people had no idea that the girls had been infected by mutant DNA, and were doing these evil deeds against their own free will. Each girl had their own fiendish tricks to unleash. Probably the most fiendish came from Raye, whose normally hot-tempered personality seemed to mesh well with the mutant DNA, amplifying it almost tenfold.
"Hahaha!!! Run away, you puny bugs! There's a big girl in town!" Raye shouted. She took great pleasure in watching all the people run away from her, and in fact added to the chaos by picking up an empty vehicle and throwing it as far as it would go, causing it to explode. Down by her feet, there were two men. One of them was trying to pull the other out who was trapped underneath Raye's right heeled shoe.
"Come on, man, you can do it!" he said to the trapped person. Just then, Raye very slightly lifted her foot, allowing the two to escape. Of course, she didn't notice these two. She was only focused on tearing up as much of Crystal Tokyo as she could.
"I am the Goddess of War, the new Sailor Mars!" Raye shouted as she took a few more steps, shattering a couple crystal buildings in her path. When she looked down and noticed the broken crystal, it gave her an idea.
"Hmmm... I wonder. Burning Mandala!" Raye shouted. The balls of flame went swirling around in front of her before they fired off on a city block, immediately bursting it into flames. She watched as some of the crystal actually melted from the intense heat of the flames. She let out a smirk after seeing that.
"Ha! I think I'll be enjoying this for a while." Raye said as she marched forward.

Amy wasn't anywhere near that destructive, but she did still crush whatever that was in her path. In fact, her style could remind you of Birdie from the Negamoon. Some of the Crystal Palace guards (ten of them) made a valiant attempt to stop her.
"Freeze! We have you surrounded!" the guards shouted.
"Freeze? Gee, why didn't you say so? Shabon Spray Freeze!" Amy shouted, aiming her hands down at these guards. The mist came flying out and instantly froze these guards in blocks of ice. Seeing ten of the guards encased in ice came her quite the cunning idea.
"Hmmm... I've got an idea." Amy said to herself. She picked up all of the frozen guards and arranged them in a neat fashion. One guard was placed ahead of two guards, placed ahead of three, and then placed ahead of four. That's right, it looked like a bowling pin setup! Amy stepped back and then case her freezing spell again, this time against her own two hands. She managed to create a boulder made completely out of ice. Clutching the boulder like a bowling ball, Amy took a couple steps forward and rolled the ball forward, easily knocking over all ten blocks of ice-covered guards!
"Perfect... a strike! Just as I calculated would happen too..." Amy said. Then she noticed a group of people by her feet trying to run away. She wanted to have some fun here too, so that's when she called upon her freezing powers once again.
"These people should hang on for the ride." Amy said. She fired an ice beam down on the streets, making them as icy as possible. Naturally, it was too much ice for these folks to handle, and that's when they slipped and fell together into a pile. Amy couldn't help but laugh.
"For some reason, I'm getting so much of a kick out of this!" Amy said.

In another corner of the city, Lita wasn't showing much mercy either. She probably did the best job of scaring everyone in her block. Every few seconds, she would catch a bolt of lightning with an antenna on her tiara and then shoot it down, destroying whatever structure the lightning made contact with.
"Ha! You puny humans are in for a shock!" Lita shouted, obviously ignoring the bad pun she made (like all monsters on Power Rangers do).
"The next thing I need is more... more power!" Lita said. So that's when she laid herself down on top of a brightly lit street. She held her hands up, and amazingly enough, electricity from many of the buildings started pouring into her white gloves.
"Mmmm... that feels good. The more amps, the merrier!" Lita said. She finally stopped when she felt she had charged herself up enough, leaving the block in a somewhat dark corner, only lit up by the moonlight from above. Lita tilted her head to the right side and noticed a couple of men staring up at her.
"Why hello down there. You little guys are brave." Lita said. She laid on her side now to get a better look at the men.
"In fact, you both look just like my old boyfriend!" Lita said as she reached down and picked them up.
"Please don't hurt us!" one of them shouted.
"Oh, don't you worry. In fact, I'll put you somewhere very safe, like in my stomach!" Lita said. She opened her mouth and quickly dumped both men inside, tilting her head back to make sure they went down to her stomach. Lita let out an evil-sounding laugh.
"Those stupid guys! They very well know the consequences of getting swallowed! Oh well, that's men for you. I wonder what Sailor Venus is up to..." Lita said.

Well, to answer Lita's question, Mina was keeping busy as well. Clutching onto her Love Me Chain, Mina was getting more creative with her city destroying, doing things like wrapping up buildings, ripping them off their foundation with her chain, and then hurling them to another part of the city, sometimes miles away! Mina was also fending off any form of air assault that came her way. Yes, even in the year 3000, there are vehicles that fly in the air fending off any threats that reach for the sky, including giantesses. Mina looked up as their bullets were missing her face.
"Scram, insects! Or I'll call an exterminator!" Mina shouted. But the vehicles just kept firing.
"Hmm... don't say I didn't warn you. Crescent Beam!" Mina shouted. She used her other hand to point at the flying vehicles and strike them down with her piercing laser beam. She even sliced a part of the Crystal Palace apart like scissors to paper.
"I'm always a cut above!" Mina said, again with the bad pun. ^_____^
Anyway, she also tested the power of her feet. Like Raye, she wore high-heeled shoes, and she wasn't afraid to use them. Seeing an empty vehicle by her feet, Mina lifted her right foot and spiked the vehicle, tearing it to shreds as she moved the heel from left to right.
"This is fun! I think I want to stay like this forever! Forget whatever puny life I was living before!" Mina said as she moved on forward to another part of the city.

You get the picture by now. Four giant sailor scouts, all forced to be doing evil deeds thanks to Ransik's mutant DNA. Oh, but don't worry, things will get better for Crystal Tokyo very soon (a lot better too; all will be forgiven ^____^). As for Silver Hills in the present day, that would be a different story with the giant Nadira around...

For the people of Silver Hills, it was nothing new, yet something different at the same time. Many of these people always wonder where the heck these giant monsters come from, but they were surprised to see a true giantess instead in the form of the supersized Nadira. Still, just like the last several attacks on the city, they fled as fast as they could. Nadira simply took one step at a time every few seconds, admiring the wonderful sight she was clearly enjoying.
"Hahahaha!!! That's right! Run, you little humans! The big girl's in town now!" Nadira shouted. She watched with delight as buildings crumbled underneath her white boots.
"Mmmm... such beautiful destruction." Nadira said to herself. She also swung her cape around, blowing things around and even covering buildings with it. On top of that, she kicked any vehicle that tried to drive past her.
"Hahaha! Just like with my little toys back home!" Nadira said.

Eventually, her games had to come to an end when she noticed the Q-Rex approaching her. She could also see the Quantum Ranger standing on top of the zord.
"Hold it, criminal! You're coming back with me!" Eric shouted.
"Huh... I was expecting you, Quantum Ranger! This oughta be fun fighting the real thing." Nadira said.
"Q-Rex! Megazord mode!" Eric said. As the Q-Rex transformed into its more agile Megazord state, Eric jumped inside the cockpit (one of the few times he has decided to man the controls!).

The white light dissipates, revealing our five rangers (still unmorphed) and Rini, who nestled her Time Key back into her outfit. It was easy to see the kind of madness and mayhem the giant sailor scouts caused, as everyone looked around to see almost all of the city around a one-mile radius of the Crystal Palace destroyed.
"Oh no... look at all the damage they've caused!" Rini said.
"They really did a number on this place." Trip said. Wes was taking in all the sights he could muster. He could never have imagined the year 3000 looking like this. Of course, the other rangers took this in stride because they're used to this time period.
"Even with all this destruction, it still looks beautiful. Are all cities like this in the future?" Wes asked.
"Well, not exactly, but most of them are beautiful." Jen said.
"Guys, we got company." Trip said, pointing towards two of the giantesses, Lita and Mina, approaching.
"Heh heh heh... lookie what we found!" Lita said.
"Those little guys really look cute. Much cuter than anyone else we've found!" Mina said.
"Well, I suppose I am good looking enough to impress anyone." Lucas said.
"Showoff!" Katie said. Lita focused her attention on Wes.
"Mmmm... you look especially cute. You look just like my old boyfriend!" Lita said. She started to reach down and grab him, but Jen stepped in the way.
"Hey! Wes belongs to me, you hear!?" Jen shouted. Wes obviously was surprised that Jen cared this much for him. Lita decided to back off, instead giggling over what she was looking down at.
"Ha! How can you fall in love with a shrimp like that? Hey, V-Babe! Come here and look at these wimps." Lita said. Indeed, she looked back and called out for Mina, who shortly joined her.
"These little fries giving you trouble, Jupiter?" Mina said.
"Nah, I just wanted you to get a good look at them before I crushed them!" Lita said.
"Eeeek... do something!" Rini shouted, gripping tightly onto Jen.
"It's crunch time!" Lita shouted. She raised her boot so quickly that the rangers couldn't possibly have time to morph back into their ranger selves.

Luckily, help came to their rescue. Twice the help, in fact.
"Moon Princess Halation!" Neo Queen Serenity shouted.
"Dead Scream!" Sailor Pluto shouted. The two attacks hit Lita and Mina both in the stomach, causing them to stumble backwards a bit. All the rangers looked to see the queen and the guardian of time and space, Sailor Pluto, for the first time. Rini smiled happily and ran towards her mother.
"Mommy! You're okay!" Rini said. Neo Queen Serenity smiled as she kneeled down and took Rini into her arms.
"Of course, my dearest daughter. Those girls aren't big enough to catch me." Neo Queen Serenity said. While that little reunion was taking place, Sailor Pluto approached the rangers to greet them.
"Greetings, Power Rangers. I am Sailor Pluto. Your arrival to this time is not fortuitous, but was expected." Sailor Pluto said.
"Huh, really? That little girl said she found us by accident." Wes said.
"I knew by the path of time and space set forth by my master, Chronos, that you would come here to assist us." Sailor Pluto said. But then came the giantesses, Lita and Mina, storming back and clearly not happy.
"Arrrrgh! You little ants will regret that!" Lita said.
"Now you shrimps have done it! Lita doesn't like it when little bugs irritate her!" Lita said. Neo Queen Serenity and Rini approached the rangers.
"Rangers, I believe it's morphin' time, right?" Neo Queen Serenity said. The rangers looked at the queen like she came from another planet.
"Huh? Morphin' time? What the heck's that supposed to mean?" Katie asked.
"I'm pretty sure it's an expression that previous generations of rangers have used when transforming." Trip said.
"Hey, I like it! It sounds pretty cool." Wes said. Jen, rather than fight against it simply because there wasn't time to debate issues like this, decided to agree.
"Yeah... I guess I like it too, but just this once. All together, everyone!" Jen said.
"I won't argue against that." Lucas said.

"It's morphin' time!!!" they all shouted, once again becoming Time Force rangers. And not a moment too soon, because right when Lita lifted her foot again, all the rangers pulled out their Chrono Blasters.
"Chrono Blaster! Fire!!!" they all shouted as they fired all at once. The combined laser blasting was too much for Lita to take and she had to back off again. Jen touched a button on her wrist to activate her communicator.
"Circuit! We need the Time Flyers now!" Jen shouted.
"I'm on it! Okay, Captain Logan, send the zords now!" Circuit said from the other end. A short while later, and without the need of a portal since they were in the same year as the zords, the Time Flyers.
"Alright, let's do it!" Jen shouted as she and the other rangers jumped into their zords. All four giant sailor scouts eventually met up in the same spot.
"Well, well. Looks like we have some new toys to play with!" Raye shouted.
"Maybe I can do some research on these fine machines once we defeat them!" Amy said. Neo Queen Serenity, Rini, and Sailor Pluto all watched as the Time Flyers all came together to form the Time Force Megazord.
"Wow... that's incredible!" Rini said.
"My queen, they cannot possibly win with the odds against them like this." Sailor Pluto said.
"You're absolutely right. We need to get the Silver Crystal back! Come on!" Neo Queen Serenity said as she, Rini, and Sailor Pluto ran away from the battle scene, running through the torn up streets in search of Ransik and Frax.

On top of one of the buildings, far from the battle scene, Ransik was at first displeased with seeing the rangers in the same time period as he was in, but he quickly got excited when he saw the Megazord struggle in the four-on-one battle with the possessed sailor scouts.
"Hahahaha! This is working better than I planned! Those girls with the mutant DNA will crush those rangers flat!" Ransik said.
"Ransik, you idiot! We should've been back in the past by now!" Frax shouted.
"Oh, quit your yapping, Frax! As long as I have this crystal, who can possibly stop me now?" Ransik said.
"How about us, you fiendish monster!?" Neo Queen Serenity said. The villains looked and saw Neo Queen Serenity, Rini, and Sailor Pluto all standing on the other side of the building.
"What!? You two again!? How did you find us?" Ransik said.
"My mom and I are connected to the Silver Crystal, so wherever it goes, we follow it!" Rini said.
"Arrrgh! I told you we should've escaped while we could!" Frax said.
"Never mind! I'll destroy all of you! Haaaaa!" Ransik shouted as he fired a powerful energy beam towards the ladies. But Sailor Pluto was on it.
"Garnet Ball!" Sailor Pluto shouted, creating a powerful forcefield that absorbed the lightning.
"W...What!?" Ransik said.
"Kitty Magic! Make me a Silver Crystal magnet!" Rini said as she bounced her Luna Ball up and down and then threw it up in the air. It transformed into a large magnet that she held with two hands and aimed at Ransik. Eventually, the crystal rumbled in Ransik's hands before it came flying right out, attaching itself onto the magnet.
"No, the crystal!" Ransik shouted.
"Good thinking, Rini! You have gotten very good with the Luna Ball." Sailor Pluto said.
"Awwww... it was nothing, Luna-P." Rini said with a smile. She changed the ball back to its normal self, catching the crystal. She held it towards Neo Queen Serenity.
"Here you go, Mommy!" Rini said, handing the crystal to Neo Queen Serenity. She pulled out her Moon Scepter once again and this time attached the crystal on top of it. Right away, she glowed brightly with power.
"Who is powerless now, monsters!?" Neo Queen Serenity said.
"Well, Ransik, our plan has failed. You happy now!?" Frax said.
"Shut up you bucket of bolts and get us out of here!" Ransik shouted. Indeed, Frax activated his little time-travelling device, made with the Trizirium crystals, and the two vanished into a deep blue portal that vanished as quickly as it appeared.

"They got away!" Rini shouted.
"They have returned to the time period from where they originated. We won't need to worry about them for the forseeable future." Sailor Pluto said.
"I hope you're right, but what about our ranger friends?" Neo Queen Serenity said, looking out at the Megazord continuing to get pummeled by the giant sailor scouts.
"Indeed. We have much bigger problems to worry about." Sailor Pluto said.
"But what can we do? We're way too small for any of them!" Rini said. Listening to that, and thinking of the unimaginable power of the Imperium Silver Crystal, Neo Queen Serenity thought of something.
"I have an idea. Come on, let's get back to ground level." Neo Queen Serenity said as she ran down the stairs that led everyone to the top of this building. Neo Queen Serenity explained her admittedly crazy idea on the way down.

Meanwhile, we go back to the past where Ransik and Frax come out of their escape portal, landing somewhere in Silver Hills.
"Well, there went another of your brilliant plans down the drain!" Frax said.
"It can't be all bad! Those sailor scouts are still possessed by the mutant DNA. They'll defeat those rangers for us!" Ransik said.
"I wouldn't be so sure... now that we've lost the Silver Crystal." Frax said. An exploding sound followed.
"Whoa, what was that?" Ransik asked. Frax looked several yards down the road, and that's when he saw Nadira and the Q-Rex fighting it out.
"Ransik, look! It's your daughter!" Frax shouted. Ransik looked as well... and he was extremely unhappy.
"Nadira!!! What is she doing like that!?" Ransik shouted.
"She probably took off that patch of hers... like you warned her not to do!" Frax said.
"Well, don't just stand there! Come on, we have to do something!" Ransik shouted as he ran towards the big battle scene.

Nadira and the Q-Rex were keeping it a close fight. She was fighting using her extended fingernails because she left her blaster back home. Although Q-Rex had the advantage in hand-to-hand combat, Nadira's sharp nails made sure the Q-Rex wouldn't stay close.
"Give up, Q-Rex! I'm sharper than you'll ever imagine." Nadira said.
"Ha! But I've got some tricks up my sleeve." Eric said. He looked down at his Quantum Morpher to give out a command to his zord.
"Q-Rex! Tail trip!" Eric said. Indeed, Q-Rex spun itself around, allowing its tail to swirl around on the ground. Nadira easily jumped over the sweep.
"Ha! You honestly think that will work on me?" Nadira said. But she was gloating so much, she couldn't see the tail coming back around at rapid speed. She got tripped up by it, falling back a few steps before crashing down on the ground. To make matters worse, it was that makeup store that she robbed about a week ago.
"What!? Oh no!!! That was one of my favorite spots! You'll pay for this, filthy ranger!" Nadira shouted. She was frustrated to the point where she picked up an empty car and hurled it at the Q-Rex, who blasted it out of the air with its laser cannons.
"Alright, you asked for it! Max Blizzard! Full power!" Eric shouted. Nadira gasped. She recognized this attack as one that shrunk fellow mutants like herself down to capture size.

And Ransik knew that as well. He grabbed Frax by its neck and shook the robot for all its worth.
"Frax! Do something! That blasted zord is about to capture my daughter!!!" Ransik said.
"Of course, Ransik! Activating the Mutation Destabilizer!" Frax said. He pressed a few buttons and then out came a laser blast from one of his arm cannons. It hit Nadira right on one of her arms. Shortly thereafter, Nadira began to shrink.
"Huh? What's happening to me?" Nadira asked as she watched everything around her get bigger. Finally, she was back to normal size. As the Q-Rex powered its attack down, to relish in its latest victory, Nadira looked around, bummed to be back to her normal size. But how did it happen? She never was blasted by that laser... until she looked and saw Ransik and Frax.

"Um... hi, Daddy." Nadira said.
"Young lady, you and I are going to have a talk when we get back to the swamp!" Ransik said.
"Ha ha! Nadira's gonna get it now!" Frax said with a chuckle.
"Aw... Daddy!!! But it was so fun!" Nadira shouted, but Ransik didn't listen. Instead, he summoned a portal and all three villains disappeared. Ransik holds onto the slight hope that he will still be victorious in the future, but of course, we know that was not to be.

Neo Queen Serenity, Rini, and Sailor Pluto all approached the battle scene as close as they could.
"Are you sure this is a good idea, especially with Rini involved, my queen?" Sailor Pluto said.
"It's the only way we are going to even up the odds... and ultimately free the sailor scouts from their spell." Neo Queen Serenity said.
"Don't worry, Luna-P... I promise I will be careful." Rini said as she clutched onto her Luna Ball.
"I know you will, Small Lady." Sailor Pluto said.
"Alright, let's do it. Power of the Imperium Silver Crystal... make us grow!" Neo Queen Serenity said. She held up her Moon Scepter in the air, letting its power cover all of her body as well as those of Rini and Sailor Pluto...

Meanwhile, things were looking bad for the Time Force Megazord. No matter who it decided to attack, one of the girls would strike it from behind.
"Man, haven't these ladies ever heard of fighting fair!?" Lucas shouted.
"The mutant DNA has ripped them of all their good consciousness. They have no choice." Trip said.
"Come on! We can't give in! We have to hold on somehow!" Jen said.
"Try this on for size, rangers! Burning Mandala!" Raye shouted as she fired the fireballs at the Megazord, showering it in sparks.
"Arrrgh! We can't take another hit like this!" Wes said.
"I know... I know..." Jen said. She wondered what she could do, but as she was doing that, the four sailor scouts all surrounded the Megazord.
"Alright, let's hit this thing altogether!" Raye shouted.
"Yeah, this will finish it for good!" Lita said.
"Stop right there!" a familiar voice shouted. All four girls, as well as the Megazord, looked to see the source of that voice.

Neo Queen Serenity and Sailor Pluto were the same size as the other giants. Rini was gigantic also, but was still the shortest of the group since she grew in proportion.

"Whoa... what's going on here?" Lucas said.
"I don't know, but it looks like reinforcements have arrived!" Katie shouted.
"Power Rangers, we are here to assist you, and Neo Queen Serenity will help cure our friends." Sailor Pluto said. Neo Queen Serenity nodded.
"It's gonna take a few minutes for the Imperium Silver Crystal to recharge, but we will buy the time by fighting alongside you. Once the crystal is charged, I can fully heal the sailor scouts of their abnormal state." Neo Queen Serenity said.
"Alright, I like even odds much better!" Wes said.
"Let's do it, guys!" Jen said. The battle scene resumed once more, mainly going into a hand-to-hand combat mode as the other giantesses approached the action. Rini approached Sailor Mars. Neo Queen Serenity took on Sailor Mercury. Sailor Pluto went against Sailor Jupiter, leaving the Megazord to deal with Sailor Venus.
"Ha! You guys are unlucky! I'm the strongest of the group." Sailor Venus said, quickly pulling out her Love Me Chain and wrapping the Megazord up with it.
"And I'm also the most strategic!" Mina shouted. It seemed like the rangers were in another tough situation, but everyone kept a cool head having dealt with this kind of situation before.
"We're not wrapped up yet!" Katie said. Since she controlled one of the arms, she moved her controls around and gave Mina a very strong tug.
"Whoaaaaa!!!" Mina shouted as she fell to the ground, getting a face full of broken crystal from previously damaged buildings. The Love Me Chain broke apart as the Megazord shook it off.
"Activating Time Force Megazord Saber now!" Wes said as the Megazord armed its sword.
"You got lucky, but you haven't beaten me yet!" Mina said as she ran back into battle.

Meanwhile, the other giantesses were doing well against the other sailor scouts. While Sailor Pluto was showing off her amazing skills in wielding her Garnet Rod, blocking almost every attack that came her way from Sailor Jupiter, Neo Queen Serenity had a most intriguing strategy. She was merely dodging each and every attack that Sailor Mercury lobbed at her, whether it was an ice spear or a powerful snowball. Amy was getting frustrated with Neo Queen Serenity's amazingly agile movement, despite crushing more of the city at her feet, but that didn't concern her at the moment.
"For the love of science, why won't you stand still!?" Amy shouted.
"As I learned from you in the past, I am simply biding my time." Neo Queen Serenity said with a smile. There was finally one time she decided to go on the offensive. Neo Queen Serenity jumped over another ice spear, high into the air, and then she thrusted forward with her feet pointing out.
"Makeover time for you, Amy!" Neo Queen Serenity said as her foot landed squarely on Amy's chest, knocking her back several feet before she tripped over another building.
"Ugh... impressive, queen. But I shall persevere to the finish!" Amy said.

Rini's battle strategy was the most interesting of them all. Sailor Mars couldn't stop laughing that a 'kid' like Rini was challenging her.
"You've gotta be kidding me. This little brat is the one I have to deal with!?" Sailor Mars said.
"Raye, please! You have to listen to me! You're not being yourself!" Rini said.
"Oh, hush up, little rabbit! Burning Mandala!" Raye said. Rini had to react quick, and luckily she did. She bounced her Luna Ball up and down, despite it cracking the ground each time it landed. Finally she threw it up.
"Kitty Magic! I need a fire hose, fast!" Rini said. Right when Raye shot off her fiery attack, Rini caught the fire hose and activated it with her mind, causing a lot of water to come gushing out. The fire was immediately doused, and Raye was absolutely drenched from the attack.
"Hah! I'm a lot wiser than I look!" Rini said.
"Oh, you little squirt! I'll fix your wagon!" Raye said as she charged head-on for Rini, but she quickly was assisted.
"Dead Scream!" Sailor Pluto shouted as her wave of energy knocked Sailor Mars off her feet.
"Whew! Thanks, Luna-P!" Rini shouted.
"All in the line of duty." Sailor Pluto said.

Eventually, all four sailor scouts were standing against the Crystal Palace, with the good guys surrounding them.
"Blast it! We need more power!" Mina shouted.
"These giants are too strong even for us!" Amy said.
"It is time. I feel the crystal radiating with energy." Neo Queen Serenity said.
"Go, Mommy!" Rini shouted.
"This oughta be interesting." Wes said from inside the Megazord. Neo Queen Serenity held up the Moon Scepter with the Silver Crystal. The whole area glowed with a bright white light.
"Moon Crystal Healing... Activation!!!" Neo Queen Serenity shouted. The energy sprinkled out from the crystal in the form of harmless falling stars. Naturally, it showered over all four sailor scouts.
"Huh? What's happening!?" Lita asked.
"Hey! We're shrinking!!!" Mina shouted. Indeed, all four girls were returning to their normal size. As that was happening, more energy sprinkled from the crystal and showered over much of the city. Soon, it looked as though time was going backwards. Buildings that were damaged before were fully restored back to well before the giantess sailor scout attacks happened.
"Look! All the buildings are being restored to normal!" Trip said.
"Amazing..." Lucas said.
"That is one powerful crystal. Now I understand why Ransik was going after it." Jen said.

Eventually, the incredible amount of energy unleashed was too much for Neo Queen Serenity to take as she fainted, conspicuously into the Time Force Megazord's arms.
"Neo Queen Serenity!" Wes shouted.
"She will be fine. Even though she has mastered using the crystal, expending all that energy can still take a toll on her." Sailor Pluto said. Rini, meanwhile, was the first to check on the other sailor scouts.
"Hey, sailor scouts! Are you okay?" Rini asked.
"Uh... what happened? I feel like I haven't been myself lately." Raye said.
"I agree. It's as though some mysterious force took over our bodies, and made us do things we weren't meant to do." Amy said.
"Boy, I hope not. I'd hate for our reputations to be damaged." Lita said.
"Guys! Look at that!" Mina said, pointing up at the giant Rini looking down on them.
"Huh!? Rini!" Raye shouted.
"Teeheehee... hi! You look so cute from up here." Rini said.
"I guess we really have missed out." Lita said.
"I'll say! What are you, the queen, and Sailor Pluto doing so huge!?" Mina said.
"And what is that giant robot you are standing with... it... it reminds me of a Megazord." Amy said.
"All will be explained very soon. We just have to wait until the queen wakes up." Sailor Pluto said.

And fortunately she did. Crystal Tokyo was back to its normal self, and the whole town thanked everyone who fought for defending the city. Lita had nothing to worry about, as the public fully understood what happened with the sailor scouts after Neo Queen Serenity explained the whole ordeal (hey, they always listen to her anyway! ^_____^).

Neo Queen Serenity, Rini, and Sailor Pluto all returned to their normal size thanks to the Silver Crystal. The rangers sent the Time Flyers back to where they came from. Everyone was on the grassy hills far from the city to get the best view they could from ground level.
"Wow... Crystal Tokyo is so beautiful from here. And you say the Silver Crystal helped create all this?" Lucas asked.
"That is correct. It's really a long story, but the Imperium Silver Crystal is pretty much responsible for everything you see. Many villains have tried to steal this prized gem, but thanks to your efforts, the crystal is once again safe in good hands." Neo Queen Serenity said.
"Wait! Speaking of villains, we need to find Ransik and Frax!" Jen said.
"You will not find them here. According to my theory using the time portal they chose to use, they have gone back to the year 2001, in a place known as Silver Hills." Sailor Pluto said.
"Darn, sounds like he eluded us again!" Wes said.
"Yes, but at least we stopped another one of his plans, and that's what counts the most." Jen said.
"I guess this means we'll be going back to the past again. But how can we do that?" Katie said.
"Leave that to me. Rini, I need your Time Key." Neo Queen Serenity said.
"Oh, of course, Mommy!" Rini said as she gracefully handed her mother the key.
"Listen, I hope you guys can join up with us!" Lita said.
"Yeah! The Power Rangers and the Sailor Scouts make an awesome combination!" Raye said.
"It wouldn't be the first time too." Amy said.
"Well, thank you, but cannot rest from our duties until Ransik and all his mutant criminals have been captured. Besides... I think you have an awesome enough team by yourselves." Jen said.
"She's right. Your powers are just as incredible as ours. You can take on anything, I believe!" Wes said.
"Thanks! Maybe I could get your number?" Lita said.
"Lita!!!" all the scouts shouted as Jen chuckled from that.

Finally, though, it was time for the two groups of heroes to part ways. Combining the Time Key and the Silver Crystal, Neo Queen Serenity easily opened up a time portal behind the rangers.
"All you have to do is jump through that portal, and you will be back in the proper time and place. I assure you, the Silver Crystal has made the passageway very safe." Neo Queen Serenity said.
"Thank you, Neo Queen Serenity. Time Force shall not forget the adventure we had together." Jen said.
"Silver Hills, here we come again." Katie said as she and the other rangers took one final look at the sailor scouts, their friends, and all of Crystal Tokyo, before jumping through the portal.
"Farewell, Power Rangers. May the power protect you!" Neo Queen Serenity said before she closed off the portal. With another crossover between the Sailor Scouts and the Power Rangers in the books, everyone retreated back to Crystal Tokyo to celebrate their latest victory. Rini, in particular, couldn't wait to tell her friends about this adventure. And of course, she couldn't wait to tell Prince Endymion, her father, of how her mother was bigger than she ever imagined! ^_____^