Sailor Mini Moon Presents: The Return Of The Cavitians Of Cavity 9!




NOTE from author: To understand this story, I strongly suggest you understand both the Sailor Moon & Sgt. Frog universes and watch this.


Sgt. Frog Episode #10


Narrator: Ah, here we go, about to experience another day in the Hinata Ho--Wait a minute.  This isn’t the Hinata House.


Keroro: Hey, Serena!  Can you get me another cookie?

Serena: Sure thing, Sarge.


Rini: I want one, too.


Keroro: Sure thing, Pinky.


Narrator: Huh?  Sergeant Keroro, hanging with other humans?  But who are they?




(Keroro is inside Serena’s room with Serena & Rini, lying around and eating snacks.)

Keroro: I gotta say, I really enjoy the hospitality around here.


Serena: Just as long as the rest of my family doesn’t notice you, you’ll be fine.


Luna: I swear, he’s just as bad as Serena.


Rini: The guy barely works and stinks at his job.


Luna: And Serena can barely keep up with her grades at school.


Rini & Luna: Aw, man…  It’s two problems in one…


(Keroro & Serena continue enjoying snacks, lying down on bed, talking to each other.)

Narrator: Okay, how is it that these girls know the Sergeant, and what’s with the talking cat?  Hold on.  Let me check my papers.  Uh-huh…  Oh, okay.  So that’s Serena Tsukino, who, thanks to that talking cat, Luna, becomes a sexy super hero named Sailor Moon.  I don’t know if I should really say it like that, since it sounds pretty creepy coming from--oh, uh she’s also a princess from the Moon Kingdom in the future and…also a queen?!  Okay, that’s way too much information.  I think the superhero thing would’ve been enough for me to handle on my first day of working with these new people.  Oh, and that’s Rini, who’s…come from the future and is Serena’s daughter but also her cousin in this time period.  Uh, sorry folks, I’m still puzzled about all this…  Too much information in one day…


Keroro: Boy, I’m stuffed.  I don’t think I could eat another bite.


Serena: Me neither.  Boy, it’s sure nice to meet someone as awesome as you, Sarge.


Keroro: And who would’ve though I’d meet an awesome Pekoponian I could finally relate to?!  We’re both lazy, we hate to work…


Serena: …and we love snacks!


Luna: And you both consider that a good thing?

(Both Serge & Serena nod their heads.)

Keroro & Serena: Yay for laziness!

(Luna sighs and notices Rini continuing to munch down on snacks.)


Luna: Are you going to keep eating those?

Rini: I’m hungry.  Leave me alone.


Narrator: Okay, a lot of this is still not making any sense.  How did Sarge meet these girls?  Where are Fuyuki, Natsumi, & the other humans that the frogs already know?  And why am I the only one who’s noticed the change here?!




(The scene changes to Serena & Keroro brushing their teeth, while Rini continues to munch on snacks.)


Serena: Hey, who’s that guy yelling at us?

Keroro: He’s the narrator.  Don’t worry about him.  He’s just upset that we’ve taken the laziness from us and used it to not tell anyone how me & my platoon wound up in your world.


Serena: Oh, okay.


Keroro: And that’s another point for laziness!


(The Narrator groans.  Both Keroro & Serena finish cleaning their teeth and look at how white they are.)

Keroro: Oh yeah.


Serena: As white as they are beautiful.


Keroro: Like you?

Serena: Like me!  *giggles*


Keroro: Say, Pinky.  Aren’t you finished snacking?

Rini: No.  I’m still hungry.


Narrator: Okay, so if Sarge is here with the rest of the platoon, then where are they?



(The scene changes to Mina & Tamama.  Tamama is eating sweets with Mina.)

Narrator: Okay, there’s Tamama with another girl.  Now, let me check my papers again…


Tamama: I wonder how the others are doing?

Mina: I’m sure they’re fine.  Let’s just continue enjoying the snacks and relaxing in bed.


Artemis: You mean being lazy?

Tamama: Yeah!

Tamama & Mina: Yay, laziness!


Narrator: And that’s another point for laziness.


Artemis: Oh, boy…


Narrator: Ah, found it!  Okay, so apparently that girl is Mina Aino and transforms into Sailor Venus.  And that talking cat is Artemis.  The rest of the information, I’ll read to myself, since I would really like to move the story along.  You guys will just have to find out the rest of the background information on these scouts yourselves.  And no, I’m not being lazy, just a bit impatient.


(During the Narrator’s dialog, both the frog & girl get themselves ready to go to sleep.)


Tamama: Good night, Mina.


Mina: Good night, Tamama.




(The scene changes to Giroro & Lita.  Giroro is near a window, polishing his guns, while Lita is cooking food.  Lita looks at Giroro with a smile.)

Narrator: Okay, so there’s Giroro, with…Lita Kino, who becomes Sailor Jupiter.


(Giroro points his gun to the sky.  Lita offers him a dish of food.)


Lita: Here you go.


Giroro: I’m not hungry.


Lita: Aw, come on.  Even a tough soldier like you knows that in order to be on top of your game, your body needs to be in tip-top shape as well.


Giroro: Fine, if you insist.


Lita: And maybe we can get in some nighttime training later.  You up for it, Corporal?


Giroro: Always.


Lita: Good, now let’s eat.  We can’t waste any time being lazy.


Narrator: No point for laziness, this time.


Giroro: (Thinking) This Pekoponian is a tough one.


Lita: Want a cookie?

Giroro: No thanks.  (Thinking) Yet she can be so kind.  I need to continue studying this one.  Yes…I feel that I can learn a lot from this one…


Narrator: Giroro finding someone other than Natsumi interesting?  That’s a first.




(The scene changes to Kululu & Amy.)


Narrator: Okay, there’s Kululu with…Amy Mizuno, A.K.A. Sailor Mercury.


(Amy is reading a book, & Kululu is on his computer.)


Kululu: You might as well go on to the next scene, Mr. Narrator.  This is pretty much all you can expect here. *laughs*


Narrator: Oh, fine.  And there’s another point for laziness, courtesy of the writer.  Sheesh…




(The scene changes to Raye & Dororo.  Raye is in front of a fire, & Dororo is sitting right next to her.  Both of them have their eyes closed.)


Narrator: So, there’s Raye Hino, who becomes Sailor Mars.  And there’s Dororo.  Looks like they’re hard at work with their mental training.  No laziness seen here.  Just thought I’d keep the theme going a little longer.


Dororo: Ready?

(Raye nods her head.)

Dororo & Raye: Rin, Pyo, Tou, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen!


(The flames go wild for a brief moment.  Then, it calms and the duo breathes a sigh of relief.)

Dororo: You have great control, Raye.


Raye: You aren’t too shabby yourself, Dororo.


Dororo: Shall we turn in for the night?

(Raye nods her head.)




Narrator: Okay, we’re done with the introductions.  According to the writer, no other characters will be appearing in this story, with the exception of the upcoming enemies.  And those cats won’t be returning, either.  Next morning…




(All the girls are in the Hikawa Shrine.)


Raye: You know, I have to admit.  These frogs aren’t too bad.


Lita: Yeah, Giroro is an awesome sparing partner.


Mina: Tamama is so cute and really loves the Sergeant.


Serena: Who’d have thought I’d have so much in common with a frog?  Keroro’s amazing!


Raye: Well, if you like him that much, why don’t you kiss him?

Serena: Ooh!  Maybe he’s really a handsome prince that’s even cooler than Darien!  That would be so awesome!


Lita & Mina: You can’t be serious, Serena!

Amy: If you had time dreaming of Darien, then you should use that time studying.


Serena: Aw…  So, how’s Kululu?

Amy: Well, he’s always sitting on his computer, looking at things.  I’m much too busy to notice what it is, however.


Serena: Figures…


Rini: Ow!


Serena: What’s wrong, Rini?

Rini: My teeth hurt.


Lita: Your teeth hurt?

Serena: Well, you did eat a load of snacks last night.


Rini: So what?!  You did too!


Serena: Yeah, but I took care of my teeth.  Didn’t you?

Rini: No, I was too tired. *groans*


Amy: Let me take a look.


(Rini opens her mouth, and Amy inspects it.)

Amy: You’ve got a load of disgusting teeth in your mouth.


(Sgt. Keroro walks into the room.)

Keroro: Hello, ladies!  How’s it going?

Girls: Hey, Sarge.


Rini: Ow.


Keroro: What’s wrong, my little Pekoponian?

Rini: First off, I’m taller than you.  Second off, my teeth hurt.


Keroro: Your…teeth…hurt?

Rini: Yeah, but it’s no big deal.


Amy: No big deal?  Rini, you’ve got cavities!

(Keroro screams.)

Keroro: CAVITIES?!  OH, NO!!

(Keroro gets a communicator out of his pocket.)

Keroro: Attention, all units!  We have a code yellow!  Repeat, code yellow!  It’s a toothache.


(Suddenly, all the rooms get locked by metal doors and red alarms blare throughout the room.  The girls scream.)

Serena: What’s going on?!


Raye: What are you doing to my house, you stupid frog?!

Keroro: As of now, this house is on lockdown!  No one is getting in or out!

Girls: WHAT?!


Keroro: *laughs* Time for action!


(Keroro snaps his fingers.  Suddenly, the rest of the platoon comes out with guns.)

Rini: Oh, no!


Keroro: Oh, yes!  The scary red silhouettes formation!  Now…GET HER!

(The frogs surround Rini and pin her to the floor.  They point their guns at her.  Rini screams.)

Tamama: Don’t you move!

Lita: What’s this all about?!


Mina: Are you guys crazy or something?!


Keroro: Giroro?

(Giroro walks up to Rini.)

Giroro: Do your teeth hurt?

Rini: *gulps* N-No.  I’m just fine.


Giroro: Really? *chuckles*  So now, all of a sudden, they’re magically back to normal?

(Rini nods her head.)

Giroro: Then you won’t have a problem drinking this glass of ice water, will you?


(Rini nervously takes the water and swallows it.  However, it causes more pain to her teeth and she screams even louder.  She runs around the room and rolls around on the floor in pain.  Rini’s in tears.)


Girls: Rini!


Keroro: So, it really is cavities.


Tamama: (Crying) And she was so young!

Giroro: Man up, soldier!  We have to take this head-on!


Dororo: Agreed.  We must do what we can to fix her teeth.


(Tamama wipes his tears.)


Amy: I’m sorry, but I still don’t get any of this.


Raye: Yeah, what’s the big deal?

Kululu: *laughs* Where we come from, cavities aren’t caused just by sugar, but by a tiny race of aliens called Cavitians!


Serena: Cavitians?

Giroro: Yes, the Cavitians Of Cavity 9!  They live on the Molar system.  Their mission in life is to find a host.  Once they do, they eat his teeth for fuel, and then…THEY EAT HIS FACE!

(After a pause, the girls laugh,)


Keroro: Corporal, let them laugh.  It won’t be funny for much longer.  Now, for this operation, we’ll need you girls to transform into those scouts.


Serena: What?!


Keroro: Especially you, Pinky.  You have to be the strongest one in this operation.


Rini: Are you kidding me?


Giroro: We don’t have time to argue!  Just do it!


Girls: Fine.


Serena: I suppose we can play along for a little while.  Silver Moon Crystal Power!

Rini: Moon Cosmic Dream Action!

Amy: Mercury Crystal Power!

Raye: Mars Crystal Power!

Lita: Jupiter Crystal Power!

Mina: Venus Crystal Power!

(The girls transform into the Sailor Scouts.)


Narrator: Wow!  You know, I have to admit.  This is my first time ever watching these transformations, and its pretty cool.  I’d use the word beautiful, but--Can I say beautiful?  That’s not considered creepy…is it?


Keroro: Kero…  Awesome effects.  Maybe we should have something like that for our platoon.


Giroro: No way.  As far as I’m concerned, we’re good enough the way we are.


Keroro: Suit yourself, Giroro.  But watching these girls transform is still pretty awesome.


Tamama: How long does this transformation thing last?

Keroro: Roughly around five minutes, give or take a few seconds and the amount of scouts transforming.  We’ll just have to wait it out.


(After said time, the transformations are finished.)


Keroro: ‘Bout time.


Sailor Moon: Okay, now what?


Keroro: Kululu?

Kululu: I’m on it. *laughs*

(Kululu takes out a switch and presses a button.  Hands come from the floor and grab Sailor Mini Moon.)

Sailor Mini Moon: Hey!  What’s going on?! *screams*

(Sailor Mini Moon gets pinned to a table.  The table rises up and has Mini Moon facing the others.)


Narrator: It’s the same chair that was used to clean out Sarge’s mouth in Episode 10.  Nice.


Keroro: Thanks for your cooperation so far.


Sailor Venus: I still think that this is all a big waste of time.  I mean we’ve transformed like you wanted, but--


Keroro: Patience, Venus, patience.  All will become clear soon.  I promise.


(The girls sigh.  Keroro & Giroro walk up to Mini Moon.)

Giroro: You know, this whole thing could’ve been avoided if you just took better care of your teeth.


Sailor Mini Moon: Sorry.


Keroro: “Sorry” isn’t going to get you out of this mess, my friend.  Forgive me.


(Keroro presses the switch again.  The seat rearranges and more hands appear, forcing Mini Moon to open her mouth.  Kululu gets himself ready to start on Mini Moon’s mouth.)


Sailor Mercury: What are you going to do?

Kululu: *laughs* What do you think? *laughs*


(Kululu approaches Mini Moon.  She becomes nervous.)

Kululu: Now, my little victim.  Just relax and let the drill do its job. *laughs*


Sailor Moon: D-D-Drill?! *gulps*


Kululu: But first, let’s inspect it. *laughs*


(Kululu uses a mirror to inspect the teeth.)

Kululu: Okay, now.  Does this hurt?  Knock, knock.


(Kululu uses the mirror to hit Mini Moon’s teeth.)


Sailor Mini Moon: *garbled screams* Yes!

Kululu: How about this? *laughs*


(Kululu does it again.)

Sailor Mini Moon: *garbled screams* YES!


Kululu: My, my.  We’ve got quite a load of messy teeth in here, don’t we? *laughs*  How about this one, or this one, or this one?  *laughs*


(Kululu keeps knocking teeth, causing Mini Moon to scream some more.  Mini Moon goes into tears.)

Sailor Mini Moon: *garbled screams* Please stop.  It’s…too…painful…


Kululu: Yes, I suppose they would all hurt, wouldn’t they?  After all, it looks like this mess hasn’t been cleaned out in weeks. *laughs*


Sailor Moon: WEEKS?!  Well, no wonder!  Rini, didn’t you learn your lesson the first time we had this problem?!


Giroro: Apparently, she didn’t.


Kululu: Just a few more knocks.  I want to make sure my instruments are sharp and stabby. *laughs*


(Sailor Mercury grabs Kululu.  Kululu starts wiggling his limbs.)


Sailor Mercury: Okay, that’s enough, Kululu!


Kululu: Wait!  I’m not finished!

Sailor Mercury: Yes, you are!


(Sailor Mercury takes him away.)


Kululu: Just a few more knocks, please!

Sailor Jupiter: He probably traumatized her now.


Dororo: Poor child…  Being forced to endure all that…


Keroro: Okay, it’s go time!  Time for another battle against the scum of the gums!  SUIT UP!

Frogs: Yes, sir!


(The frogs gather a lot of equipment, and in no time, they’re set to go.)

Sailor Mars: Unbelievable.  All this, just to clean Rini’s teeth?


Keroro: No, we’re not just cleaning her mouth, we’re going inside it!

Girls: What?!


Kululu: *laughs* Interspace Transport Ray ready for action. *laughs*


Keroro: Since it’s a small mouth, yet has a lot of cavities, the platoon will go it alone.  You scouts should be on standby, in case things get too messy.


Kululu: Mercury, do you know how to work the controls?

Sailor Mercury: Uh…


Kululu: Just press the red button, and it should start everything up.


Sailor Mercury: Uh, okay.


(Mercury presses the button.)


Narrator: And in an instant, the Frogs shrank to microscopic size, ready to do battle with the Cavitians!


Sailor Venus: They all shrank?!


Narrator: I just said that they did.  Wasn’t anyone listening to me?


Sailor Moon: Wow!  I wasn’t expecting this.


(Mercury grabs a big magnifying lens and looks at them.  The rest of the girls look through the lens and smile.  The girls giggle.)

Sailor Mercury: They’re all okay.


Sailor Jupiter: As bizarre as this is so far, that was pretty cool.


Keroro: Okay, from this point on, we’ll be using the communicators to communicate with each other.


Kululu: Mercury, initiate the catapult sequence.


Sailor Mercury: Right.


(Sailor Mercury heads over to the big computer and starts the catapult sequence.)

Narrator: If Jupiter thought that last scene was cool, wait until the launch sequence is initiated.  If you’ve seen episode 10 of Sgt. Frog, then you should know what to expect.  The writer is too lazy--I mean--busy to get into details.  Plus, the equipment is too complicated to explain, even for me.


Kululu: Open the orifice.


Sailor Mercury: Opening the orifice.


(Mini Moon’s mouth is opened wider, thanks to the hands.)

Sailor Mini Moon: (Thinking) I hate this.


(The frogs get themselves ready for launch.)

Giroro: Corporal Giroro, ready for launch!


Kululu: Sergeant Major Kululu, ready for launch!


Tamama: Private Second Class Tamama, ready for launch!


Dororo: Lance Corporal Dororo, ready for launch!

Keroro: Sergeant Keroro, ready for launch!


Kululu: Mercury, open the launch bay doors.


Sailor Mercury: Launch bay doors opened.


Sailor Moon: Good luck, guys!

Giroro: I don’t need luck.


(Kululu laughs.)

Sailor Mercury: Fire!

(All five frogs are launched out and straight into Mini Moon’s mouth.  Her mouth is clamped shut by the hands.)


Sailor Mercury: They made it inside.


(The platoon makes it into the mouth and looks at Rini’s gigantic teeth, full of yellow & brown goop.)


Keroro: Kero!  Look at those chompers!


Dororo: It’s…disgusting!  Too hideous for words!


Kululu: *laughs* How dreadful.  It’s even worse in here than I imagined. *laughs*


Tamama: I can’t watch, yet I can’t turn away.


Giroro: It’s too quiet around here.  Way too weird…


Keroro: Let’s press onward, my fellow soldiers.  The Cavitians can strike when you least expect it.


(The frogs walk through the teeth.  Several areas with yellow goop fall on Giroro.  It hits him like acid and burns his skin.)


Dororo: Are you all right, Giroro?


Giroro: Grr!  Just a flesh wound.  I’m fine.


Keroro: Then let’s keep going.




(Outside the mouth, the girls look at the scene through a monitor.)


Sailor Moon: I still can’t believe they think those “Cavitians” can actually exist inside Rini’s mouth.


Sailor Mars: Well, so far, there’s no energy readings.


Sailor Venus: Still, from their perspective, those teeth, yuck!


Sailor Mercury: Well, it’s her own fault for not taking care of them properly.


Sailor Jupiter: I guess this is Rini’s ultimate consequence.


Sailor Mini Moon: (Thinking) I really hate this!


Sailor Moon: How’s it looking Mercury?


Sailor Mercury: Still no sign of any life forms.


Sailor Moon: *sigh* I knew it, this has been nothing but a waste of--


(The girls hear the Tamama scream.)


Girls: Huh?!


Sailor Mercury: Multiple energy readings appeared out of nowhere!


Sailor Moon: What?!


Sailor Jupiter: Is it them?!




(Inside Mini Moon, Tamama’s foot is caught by a Cavitian.)


Giroro: Tamama!


(Giroro kicks the Cavitian off.)


Giroro: Are you all right?


Tamama: Thanks.  I’m fine.


(Suddenly, echoing giggling can be heard.)


Giroro: No, it can’t be!


(A giant creature can be seen towering over the frogs.)


Keroro: It’s…MOTHER!!


Giroro: She…She’s still alive?!


Mother: Boo.


Keroro: Buu?  We can’t be in the innards of Buu.  This isn’t even Dragon Ball Z.  Although I admit that Giroro does a great Piccolo impersonation.


Giroro: Don’t be ridiculous.  I sound nothing like that copycat.


Narrator: Uh, for those who are still too lazy to see Sgt. Frog #10, Mother is the ruthless leader of all the Cavitians.  She’s the biggest of all Cavitians, and shows no mercy to all opposition.


Tamama: *gulps* She looks even bigger and scarier than last time…


Mother: If it isn’t the A.R.M.P.I.T. platoon.  Back for more punishment after our last encounter, I see.


(A bunch of smaller Cavitians fly nearby Mother.)




(The girls are stunned.)


Sailor Moon: I…I don’t believe it!


Sailor Jupiter: THOSE are Cavitians?!


Sailor Venus: She’s huge!


Sailor Mercury: Her energy level!  It’s over 9,000!!!!!!!!!


Narrator: Dumb quote alert!  Oh, wait.  It IS over 9,000.  See?


(The computer shows the level at 9,001.)


Narrator: But another Dragon Ball Z reference?


Sailor Mars: How could I not have sensed this?!


Sailor Mini Moon: (Thinking) Oh, man…




Mother: If you thought that explosion finished me off, think again.  It’s a good thing I chose to stay inside your mouth, Sarge.  With all the junk food that those two girls consumed, it was only a matter of time before I made my move.  The pink-haired one constantly neglected to clean her teeth, so it was easy to take over this mouth.




Mother: *evil laughs* Fools!  I’m bigger and stronger than I was before!  The tooth decay that this child left behind has super-charged my body! And my darling little ones just love their new home.  Don’t you, my babies?


(The Cavitians nod their heads and drool.)


Mother: I guarantee you that it’s going to take more than a trip to the dentist to fix this mouth!


Dororo: Are…those…pink…Cavitians?


Tamama: Freaky…


Mother: Now, get rid of these anti-plaque-ridden pests for mommy!


(The Cavitians fly around and swarm the frogs.)




Sailor Moon: They’re surrounded!

Sailor Jupiter: We’ve gotta do something!

Sailor Venus: Yeah, but what?


Sailor Moon: Hmm…




Tamama: Oh, no…  They’re too fast…  We’re going to die…


Keroro: Get ready, troops!


(All troops get themselves ready to attack.  But before any action can take place, Tamama snaps.)


Tamama: ATTACK!


Keroro: No, Tamama!  I didn’t say attack!


(Ignoring Sarge, Tamama goes on an all out assault.)


Giroro: Not again!


Dororo: *groans* I just hope Mini Moon is okay.




(Outside, Mini Moon is getting her face blown in several areas.)


Sailor Moon: Mini Moon!


Sailor Venus: Tamama, stop!  You’re hurting her!






(Tamama continues to fire endless rounds of weapons inside Mini Moon’s mouth.)






Giroro: That fool!


Kululu: *laughs* He’s not having any luck, is he? *laughs*




Narrator: Oh, boy.  I wouldn’t want to be Mini Moon right now.




(Mini Moon’s mouth continues to endure pain.)


Sailor Mini Moon: (Thinking) I REALLY, REALLY HATE THIS!!


Sailor Venus: Tamama!  Enough!  Calm down!


Sailor Moon: Sarge!  You have to stop this!




Keroro: I’m trying, Sailor Moon!  Dororo, get in there and help him!


Dororo: Wait a minute!  I’m NOT READY--*screams*


(Without warning, Keroro throws Dororo into the line of fire.  Dororo gets hit with a bunch of shots and falls to the floor in pain.)


Dororo: Ow…  Ow…  Ow…  Ow…


Kululu: My, that looked painful. *laughs*


Keroro: Just rest, soldier.  You did your best.




Sailor Mars: Are you kidding me?!  That stupid frog’s asking for a pounding!




Mother: *giggles* As much as I'd love to continue watching you make fools of yourselves, I'd rather not let you trash my new home.  Be gone!


(With just a wave of her wings, she blows the frogs out of Rini’s mouth.  Mother laughs.)




(The frogs are back to normal size at the shrine.)


Kululu: Well done.  You had 0 kills. *laughs*


Giroro: You’re quotes were just as stupid, too.


Sailor Venus: And poor Mini Moon’s probably in a lot of pain!


Tamama: (Crying) I’m so sorry.


Sailor Venus: Well, tell that to Rini when she wakes up, and stop crying!


(Tamama wipes his tears.)


Tamama: Yes, ma’am…


(Mini Moon is unconscious.  The hands are away from her mouth.)


Giroro: With just one move, Mother defeated us…


Keroro: Well, the good news is that the four of us survived.


Dororo: Huh?!


Sailor Mars: Hey, don’t act like Dororo doesn’t exist!


Keroro: So, how’s the situation looking from your end, Mercury?


Dororo: Hey!  Don’t ignore Mars!


Sailor Mercury: Horrible!  It seems that other areas of Rini’s mouth are starting to decay, even those that weren’t previously rotten!


(Dororo goes into an emotional breakdown, and Sailor Mars groans angrily.)


Keroro: Kero!  This means that the Cavitians are now expanding their territory!  It won’t be long before they eat her face!


Sailor Moon: Oh, no!  Mini Moon!  Sarge, you’ve got to stop them!


Giroro: Given the current power of Mother and the quickness of the Cavitians, there’s no way we can do this on our own.


Keroro: Scouts, it’s time for you to join the fight.  All of us will be heading directly into enemy territory.


Kululu: Sorry, but I think my skills would be more adequate here, compared to Mercury’s, who’s skills and genius would be much more useful out in the battlefield. *laughs*


Sailor Mercury: Thanks, Kululu.


Kululu: Don’t mention it. *laughs*  Besides, someone needs to stay behind and monitor the computer systems. *laughs*


Sailor Mercury: (Thinking) Can we really trust Kululu by himself?  I certainly hope so…


Sailor Mini Moon: Girls.


Girls: Huh?


Sailor Mini Moon: Frogs.


Frogs: Huh?


Sailor Mini Moon: I…I’m really sorry about all this.  I didn’t think that--


Sailor Moon: No need to apologize for all this.  It’s not your fault.


Sailor Mini Moon: Gee, thanks.


Keroro: After all, you couldn’t help that your rotten, stinky, germ-infested teeth would attract a race of tiny aliens.


Sailor Mini Moon: ………Gee, thanks.


Sailor Mars: It’s also not the Sarge’s fault for having their leader in his mouth in the first place.


Keroro: ………Touché, Mars.


Tamama: And it’s also not my fault that your mouth got blown around in different places.


Sailor Mini Moon: ………………


Sailor Mars: You both are still going to get yours for Dororo’s mishap.


(Mars cracks her knuckles in fists.  Keroro & Tamama gulp.)


Keroro: Uh, let’s get moving.  That mouth’s not going to fix itself.




(The girls & scouts are ready to be launched.)


Kululu: Opening the orifice.


(Mini Moon’s mouth is opened wider.)


Sailor Moon: This is probably the most bizarre adventure I’ve ever been on.


Keroro: Kero!  Compared to Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story, this is nothing.  Those plumbers went all over the Koopa King’s body, even under the tailpipe.


Sailor Moon: Yuck!  I didn’t need to know that.


Giroro: I hope you’re ready for this Jupiter.  We haven’t gone through enough training for you to handle Cavitians.


Sailor Jupiter: Don’t worry about me, Corporal.  I can handle myself and anything else that comes my way.


Giroro: Let’s hope so.


Tamama: Don’t worry, Venus.  This time, I’ll be on my best behavior.


Sailor Venus: I hope so.  After all, you don’t want to let your Sergeant down, do you?


Tamama: Never!  This time, those Cavitians are going down!


Sailor Venus: *giggles* All right, then.


Sailor Mars: How are you feeling, Dororo?


Dororo: Much better.  Thanks for sticking up for me back there.


Sailor Mars: No problem.  Just promise me that you won’t get yourself so easily traumatized in the future, okay?  You’re too skilled a ninja for that.


Dororo: Very well.  For you, I’ll do my best.


Sailor Mars: Thank you.


Sailor Mercury: Okay, we’re all ready, Kululu!


Kululu: Very well, then.  Launching all troops.


(All the scouts & frogs fly straight into Mini Moon’s mouth.  Kululu watches the monitor with anticipation and laughs.)


Narrator: Meanwhile, inside the horrendous mouth of Mini Moon…


Mother: So, those frogs have brought help. *giggles*  Well then, I should go introduce myself.



(The heroes continue flying into the mouth.  Mini Moon’s mouth closes.)


Sailor Moon: (Thinking) Hang in there, Rini.  We’ll beat these Cavitians.


Giroro: Mercury, do you see anything?


(Mercury uses her visor to scan the area.)


Narrator: That’s a cool device Mercury has.  Maybe I should buy one of those and use it the next time I lose my keys or TV remote.


Sailor Mercury: I see a large power approaching!


(Mercury turns off her visor.)


Sailor Mars: I sense it, too.


Dororo: It’s Mother!  I know it!


Mother: *laughs* So, you’ve returned.


(Mother appears near Rini’s tonsils.)


Sailor Moon: A child’s mouth is used to enjoy many different foods!  How dare you poison--


Keroro: Can we skip the cheesy, pointless, heroic dialogue and get to the cool fight scenes?


Sailor Moon: What--Hey!  Pointless?!  Cheesy?!  How dare you!


Keroro: Sorry, babe.  But I really want to get to all the cool parts of this fight.


Sailor Moon: Hmph.  Fine.


Mother: Besides, I already know who you are.  Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts, right?


Sailor Moon: Well, yeah.  That pretty much sums it up.  And in the name of the moon--


Keroro: Come on!  Let’s get this fight started, already!


Sailor Moon: (Thinking) Man, I can’t even get one line in!


Mother: *giggles* As far as I’m concerned, neither your team nor those frogs has a chance against me.  This mouth now belongs to the Cavitians!


(A swarm of pink Cavitians flies near Mother.)


Mother: How do you like my pink babies?  Thanks to the decay of these teeth, my minions have also become more powerful.


Giroro: *groans* This is bad…


Narrator: You can say that again.  I mean that shade of pink is just wrong on those creepy creatures.  I probably should’ve said that earlier, but their creepiness left me speechless.


Sailor Jupiter: You won’t frighten us!  There’s no way you can beat us all!


Mother: Confident, aren’t we?  Get them!


(Once again, the Cavitians swarm the heroes in a circle.)


Giroro: Grr!  I’ve got a few moves up my sleeve!


Sailor Moon: Hold on, Giroro! 


Giroro: Huh?


Sailor Moon: Let the scouts take care of this.


Keroro: Are you sure?


(Sailor Moon winks at Keroro.)


Sailor Moon: Trust me, Sarge.  Now, scouts!  Attack!


(The four other scouts have their backs to each other.)


Sailor Mercury: Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!


Sailor Mars: Mars Flame Shooter!


Sailor Jupiter: Jupiter Oak Evolution!


Sailor Venus: Venus Love & Beauty Shock!


(In an instant, all Cavitians are destroyed on sight, surprising the frogs & Mother.)




(Mini Moon’s mouth continues to blow itself several times.)


Kululu: My.  What amazing strength these scouts have?  Just about all the Cavitians have been eliminated. *laughs*


(Kululu looks at Mini Moon and continues laughing.  Mini Moon gets nervous.)




Sailor Moon: Now’s our chance!  Let’s go!


Keroro: Here we come, Mama!


(The frogs and scouts fly towards Mother.  Mother flies towards them, forcing them to stop and look at her humongous body.)


Mother: I’ll admit, you girls are much stronger than I had anticipated.  But that still won’t save you from my wrath!  Take this!


(Mother wastes no time in unleashing a barrage of punches and kicks to the others.)


Giroro: I thought you girls knew how to fight!


Sailor Moon: Yeah, but this sort of thing happens to us all the time… *nervous giggle*


Giroro: What?!


Keroro: No need to worry, man.  The scouts always start off their battles with the enemy getting the upper hand before they make the kill.  It’s much more awesome this way.  Right, Moon?


(Keroro gives Sailor Moon a thumb’s up.)


Sailor Moon: Right, Sarge!


(Sailor Moon gives Keroro a thumb’s up.)




Sailor Jupiter: Ignore them, Giroro.  Jupiter Oak Evolution!  Take this!


(Jupiter’s attack breaks Mother’s barrier and damages her chest.)


Sailor Jupiter: Yeah!


(Giroro is shocked.)


Giroro: Amazing!  She damaged Mother with just one attack!


Mother: Grr…  You…actually managed to hurt me…


Sailor Jupiter: And that’s only the beginning!  Come on, Giroro!


Giroro: Uh, right!


(Both Jupiter and Giroro charge at Mother with a double flying kick.  Mother gets pushed back, but manages to catch her breath and swing at both of them.  Both of them dodge her hands.  Mercury uses her visor.)


Sailor Mercury: Guys, keep focusing on that area.  It seems to have exposed itself as a weak spot.


(Mercury turns off her visor.)


Giroro & Sailor Jupiter: Got it, Mercury!


Mother: You annoying pests!


Giroro: My turn!


(Giroro fires of a bunch of rounds at Mother on the same weakened area.  Mother clutches her chest in pain.  Jupiter smiles.)


Sailor Jupiter: Impressive.


Giroro: Likewise.


Sailor Venus: Let’s go, Tamama!


Tamama: Yeah!


Tamama: Tamama Impact! *screams*


Sailor Venus: Venus Love & Beauty Shock!


(Both attacks hit Mother in the face.)


Mother: *screams* My face!


Sailor Mars: Our turn!


Dororo: Let’s go!


(Mars gets her weapon out, and Dororo sits on top of the arrow.)


Sailor Mars: Mars Flame Shooter!


(The arrow flies at blinding speed and hits Mother in the chest.  Dororo jumps off and creates clones.  He throws multiple stars at her.  The clones take out their swords and slash her chest before disappearing.  The real Dororo deals out a barrage of slashes at Mother’s chest.)


Sailor Mercury: Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!


(A split second before the attack hits, Dororo gets out of the way.  After Mercury’s attack hits, Mother goes down.  Everyone rejoices.)


Keroro: Nice attacks, guys.  It went exactly as I had planned.  Like I told you, Giroro.  The scouts always start off with the disadvantage and then turn--


Giroro: Yeah, I get it!


(The scouts laugh.)


Sailor Moon: Now, to deliver the final blow!


Keroro: I’m with you, baby!  Say good-bye, mommy!


(Mother chuckles and gets up slowly.  This confuses the others.)


Mother: Well, so you’ve managed to damage me this much.  I’m impressed.  But I still have one trick left up my sleeve. *screams*


(Mother raises her hands and stretches them out.  Suddenly, Mini Moon’s teeth start glowing red and emitting small red energy balls.  The energy balls fly toward Mother.)


Sailor Jupiter: What’s she up to?


Dororo: I don’t know, but I sense a great power building up within her.


Sailor Mars: It must be her final attack.


Sailor Mercury: I’ll check it out.


(Sailor Mercury user her visor to scan and notices something strange happening.  Mother’s body starts emitting a red aura.)




Kululu: *laughs* Well, it seems that Mother’s using the decay and filth from Rini’s mouth to increase her strength and size.  Hope that information helps, Mercury. *laughs*


(He turns around to look at Mini Moon.  Her mouth and cheeks have turned red.  Kululu laughs.)


Kululu: You just better hope that your gums don’t start bleeding. *laughs*


Sailor Mini Moon: (Thinking) Be careful, you guys!




Sailor Mercury: *gasps* Guys, it’s just as Kululu said.  That energy from the rotten teeth is being used to power up Mother.


(Mercury turns off her visor.)


Giroro: NO!


Keroro: Oh, frog!  This is bad!  Kero…


(Mother starts laughing maniacally and the whole mouth starts rumbling.  She flashes for a moment and starts expanding in size.  She soon becomes the size of a front tooth.  Her body emits a red aura around her.)


Mother: *laughs* Nothing can save you now!


Sailor Mars: (Thinking) Her power is enormous!


Dororo: (Thinking) How can we stop her now?!


(Mother gets herself ready for a giant punch.)




(Keroro hides behind Sailor Moon.)


Sailor Moon: Ooh!  Now what do we do?!




(Mother delivers a giant right punch to the heroes, causing them to fly in different directions.)


Sailor Jupiter: *groans* Okay, Big Mama!  Let’s go!  Jupiter Oak Evolution!


(Jupiter’s attack barely fazes Mother.  Mother laughs.)


Mother: You think that weak attack will work on me now?!


Giroro: Let’s try a combination attack!


Everyone else: Right!


Giroro: Here you go, Mommy!


(Giroro fires all his weapons at Mother.)


Tamama: Jealousy Ball!


(Dororo multiplies and throws multiple stars at Mother.)


Sailor Mercury: Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!


Sailor Mars: Mars Flame Shooter!


Sailor Jupiter: Jupiter Oak Evolution!


Sailor Venus: Venus Love & Beauty Shock!


(All attacks are thrown at Mother, but all they do is crack her barrier.  She laughs.)


Dororo: Not even a scratch!


Mother: My turn.


(Mother strikes with a few punches and kicks, knocking the good guys in many directions.  Sailor Mercury turns on her visor.)


Sailor Mercury: It’s still showing her chest as a weak point, but she’s too big and powerful for us to attack at this size.


(Sailor Mercury turns off her visor.)


Sailor Mercury: Kululu!



Kululu: Yes, what is it?


Sailor Mercury: Mother has gotten too powerful for us.  Is there anything that you can do to give us the advantage?


Kululu: *laughs* Well, I’m glad you asked.


(Kululu presses a button on his computer and the hands that covered Rini’s mouth are removed.)


Kululu: *laughs* This will be fun. *laughs*


(Kululu presses another button.  Suddenly, Mini Moon starts to cry.)


(Everyone inside covers their ears and screams, as the whole mouth shakes violently.)








(Tamama snaps.)


Tamama: BE QUIET!


(Tamama starts going crazy with eye and mouth beams.)






(Mini Moon’s mouth has tiny explosions inside it, and Mini Moon continues to cry.)


Kululu: *laughs* Okay.  How about this?


(Kululu presses another button.  Mini Moon stops crying.)




(Tamama continues blasting, but stops when he notices the silence.)


Sailor Venus: She stopped?


Sailor Mercury: Hold on.  Kululu?


Kululu: Yes?


Sailor Mercury: What’s going on?  I thought her mouth was clamped shut!  She shouldn’t be able to cry like this!


Kululu: *laughs* I took off the hands that were covering her mouth, since you guys needed help.  Now wait for it…


Sailor Mercury: Wait for what?


(Kululu laughs.  Suddenly, the whole mouth starts rumbling, and a burst of wind blows out of the mouth.  The heroes use the teeth to prevent them from being blown out of the mouth.) 


Mother: *grunts* What…is going on?!


(Mother also gets blown around.)




(Mini Moon is burping.  Kululu laughs.)


Narrator: Well, that explains the strong wind inside her mouth.


Sailor Mercury: Kululu, what is going on?!


Kululu: I added a few buttons to this device.  As long as she’s strapped in, it can cause weather-like effects inside her mouth by controlling certain parts of her body. *laughs*


Sailor Mercury: WHAT?!


Kululu: Now to break out the wave. *laughs*


(Kululu presses another button.)



(Rini’s tongue shakes like a mad ocean.)


Keroro: Hang on, my loyal sailors!  We’re taking on rough water!


Sailor Moon: This is no time for jokes, Keroro!


Keroro: Who’s joking?!


(Everyone gets thrown around.  Mother, however, just flies overhead.)


Mother: This is pathetic…




Kululu: *laughs* I’m such a little stinker. *laughs*


Sailor Mercury: *groans* Kululu!  We need REAL help!  Now get us something more useful, please!


Kululu: Fine, since you asked so nicely.



(The tongue waves stopped and everyone is dazed.  Mother heads for Keroro and grabs him.)


Sailor Moon: SERGEANT!


Mother: *laughs* Well, it’s interesting how a little spec like you has managed to cause me this much trouble.


Giroro: NO!  SARGE!


(Giroro tries to fly, but his jetpack starts beeping.)


Giroro: No!  My combat system’s frozen!


Tamama: Mine’s is frozen too!


Dororo: So is mine!


Giroro: Grr!  Now what?!


(Keroro just looks into Mother’s gigantic eyes with fear.  Mother has a mischievous look on her face and giggles.)


Mother: So, how should I torture you?


Sailor Moon: Grr…  I’ve got to do something!


Kululu: Heads up, Sailor Moon. *laughs*


Sailor Moon: Huh?


(A small spoon falls inside.  Sailor Moon catches it.)


Sailor Moon: What is it?


Kululu: It’s the SpoonWow!  When held correctly, it can alter your physical size to whatever you want.  I shrank the spoon so you could use it. *laughs*


Sailor Moon: Awesome!


Sailor Mercury: Thanks, Kululu.


Kululu: You’re welcome.  Now go cause some mayhem for me, will you? *laughs*


Sailor Mercury: I don’t think I’ll ever understand Kululu…


Mother: I think I’ll just crush you in my hand.


(Mother balls up her fist and squeezes Keroro.)


Keroro: (Thinking) Is this how it ends for the mighty, brave, and awesome Keroro?  Well, I’ve had a good life.  I mean, sure I never got the chance to tell Raye that I ruined her favorite shirt and Serena that I owed her the money that I took for those Gundam toys, so that’s a silver lining.  And who knows what Pekopon Heaven is like?  It may be--


(Suddenly, a bright light appears.)


Keroro: Kero?


Mother: Huh?


(Soon, Mother finds herself at eye level with Sailor Moon.)


Keroro: KERO?!


Tamama: Awesome!  Go get her, Sailor Moon!


Giroro: Yes!  We still have a fighting chance!


Dororo: It’s all up to her, now.


Mother: How did you--?!


Sailor Moon: Let him go, now!


Mother: Grr!  You can’t threaten me, even if you are my size.


(Mother drops Keroro, and gets herself ready to fight.)


Sailor Moon: Sarge!


(Sailor Moon rushes to save Keroro, but is cut off and attacked by Mother.  Mother launches with a punch, but Sailor Moon dodges it and dives for Keroro, who is barely the size of any of her fingers.  Mother tries to stomp her, but Moon rolls out of the way, while keeping a decent grip on Keroro.  The other fighters keep their distance from all the action.  Sailor Moon tries to sweep Mother off her feet, but Mother takes to the skies.  Sailor Moon places Keroro on top of a tooth.)


Sailor Moon: There you go.


Keroro: Thanks, Sailor Moon.  I owe you one.  Actually, I already owe you money, but that’s for a later time.


Sailor Moon: I’ll hold you to that.  Right now, it’s time to put Mother in a nursing home.


(Sailor Moon takes to the sky and meets up with Mother.  Keroro turns to yell at Mars from his distance.)


Keroro: And Mars, I’m sorry about your favorite shirt!


Sailor Mars: Huh?  Wait a minute.  WHAT?!


Keroro: But don’t worry!  I’ll buy you a new one!  Uh, as soon as I can afford to buy one… *nervous chuckle*


Sailor Mars: ………  (Thinking) Note to self: Kill that stupid frog!




(Sailor Moon is in a stare off with Mother.)


Mother: I suppose you prefer an aerial battle?


Sailor Moon: It really doesn’t matter to me.  However, you’ve caused enough trouble in Mini Moon’s mouth.  On behalf of--


Mother: Spare me, please.  Let’s just fight.


(Sailor Moon grunts.  Both of them charge at each other and exchange constant punches and kicks, getting thrown in various areas of Mini Moon’s mouth.)


Keroro: Get her!  Come on, baby!  You can do it!  YEAH, KNOCK HER FROGGIN’ TEETH OUT!


Sailor Moon: Sarge, that’s not a good expression to use right now!


Keroro: Ooh, sorry…


(Sailor Moon turns her attention back to Mother.  She takes out her Moon Power Tiare.)


Sailor Moon: I’ll finish you off right now!


Mother: Grr!  You can’t stop me!  By the time I’m done with this mouth, Rini will be wearing dentures!  Then again, she may not even be able to! *laughs*




(Meanwhile, with all the pounding her mouth is taking, Mini Moon starts thinking.)


Sailor Mini Moon: (Thinking) I don’t know how much more of this oral adventure I can take.


(She opens her mouth to speak, but stops herself.)


Sailor Mini Moon: (Thinking) I can’t speak.  If I do, my friends will get hurt.  Think, Mini Moon, think………I got it!


(Mini Moon starts muffling to Kululu.)


Kululu: Hmm?  Feeling down in the mouth? *laughs*


(Mini Moon grunts and continues muffling to Kululu.)


Kululu: What is it you’re trying to say?


(Rini eyes the locks that restrain her to the table and raises her eyebrows at Kululu with a smile.)


Kululu: *laughs* You seem to have something mischievous on your mind, don’t you?


(Sailor Mini Moon smiles nods her head slowly.)


Kululu: *laughs* Very well.  I suppose I could let you go.


Sailor Mini Moon: (Thinking) Yes!  It worked!


(Mini Moon is released.  She opens her mouth.)




Keroro: This is it, baby!  The final blow!  The Cavitians are done for! *laughs*  This is a great day for Planet Keron!  AND I FEEL LIKE SINGING!  Gerogerogerogerogerogerogerogerogerogero…


(Sailor Moon prepares herself for her final blow.)


Sailor Moon: Silver Moon Crystal Power Ki--Huh?


Keroro: Kero?


(The whole mouth starts shaking violently.)


Giroro: What’s going on?!


Sailor Mars: What’s Rini doing now?


(The whole mouth is filled with bright light.  Sailor Moon sees something, screams, and flies out of the way.  Mother, however, turns around to find a gigantic pair of fingers grabbing her.)


Mother: *screams* Put me down!  Let me go!


Sailor Moon: What the--?!  Sailor Mini Moon?!


Dororo: But how is this possible?!  Wasn’t she restrained?!


Sailor Mercury: (Thinking) What’s Kululu up to now?!




(Mini Moon takes out Mother and brings her up to her face.)


Mother: Have mercy…


(Mini Moon smiles mischievously and throws Mother on the ground before squashing her beneath her foot.)


Kululu: *laughs* Good job.  Now…


(Kululu blows some pepper in Mini Moon’s face.  Mini Moon gets ready to sneeze.  Kululu laughs.)




(The ones inside notice the wind in the mouth picking up.)


Keroro: What the frog is going on?!


Sailor Jupiter: The wind is getting strong!


Sailor Mercury: Mini Moon’s about to sneeze!  This has got to be Kululu’s doing!


Sailor Moon: WHAT?!


Everyone else: WHAT?!


Sailor Moon: Everyone, get on my hand!


(Everyone jumps onto Sailor Moon’s gigantic hand.)


Keroro: Hey!  Don’t forget me!


Sailor Moon: Never, friend!


(Sailor Moon takes Keroro in her other hand.  She closes both hands.)


Sailor Moon: Brace yourselves!


(As the winds get nasty, Sailor Moon tries to fly toward the mouth to avoid getting swallowed.  However, she ends up getting blown towards Mini Moon’s uvula.)




Sailor Mini Moon: AH-CHOO!!




(The heroes are spat out of Mini Moon’s mouth and onto the floor.  Sailor Moon still has everyone in her hands.  She opens them to check on everyone.)


Sailor Moon: Is everyone okay?


Keroro: We’re all okay, thanks to you, my gigantic glamazon.


Sailor Moon: *giggles* Good to know.



Kululu: Pain is so much fun. *laughs*


Sailor Mini Moon: Kululu!


Kululu: No need to worry.  Just use a magnifying glass and you should find them in no time.  Just be careful where you step. *laughs*


Sailor Mini Moon: Huh?  Uh, okay.


(Mini Moon grabs a magnifying glass and carefully crawls around the floor.  She soon finds all the heroes safe and sound.  All the heroes look up at the gigantic body of Mini Moon and wave hello, with everyone on Sailor Moon’s hands.)


Sailor Mini Moon: *giggles* I found them!




(Later, everyone is normal sized, and the girls and shrine are back to normal.  Everyone is outside.  The frogs are busy singing their victory song for the girls and themselves.)


Keroro: Gerogerogerogerogerogerogerogerogerogerogerogero…


Tamama: Tamatamatamatamatamatamatamatamatamatamatama…


Giroro: Girogirogirogirogirogirogirogirogirogirogirogirogirogiro…


Kululu: Kurukurukurukurukurukurukurukurukurukurukurukuru…


Dororo: Dorodorodorodorodorodorodorodorodorodorodorodoro…


Serena: Uh…that’s…nice….


Lita: Yeah, uh…really…interesting…


(The others just laugh nervously.)


Serena: Anyway, I’m just glad that we were able to save Mini Moon.


Rini: I don’t know exactly what you guys did, but my teeth feel awesome!


(Rini shows off her clean, white teeth, and they shine.)


Keroro: And it’s all thanks to our heroic efforts.


Serena: Right you are, Keroro.


Raye: What are you talking about?!


Giroro: It wasn’t just you two!


Lita: Quit taking all the credit for all our hard work!


Dororo: So typical…


Keroro: Hey, we were planning to finish them off, if Pinky hadn’t gotten involved, we could’ve showed off our most awesome attack!


Serena: Yeah!  How dare you steal our thunder!


Rini: Well, excuse me!


Serena: Wait a minute, what do you mean we?!  I ended up saving your life!


Keroro: Kero?!  Oh, yeah…  Kero…


Amy: Now Rini, make sure that you take much better care of your teeth, okay?


Rini: After what I’ve been through today, I will NEVER EVER forget to do that again!  Huh?


(Rini’s body starts shaking.  Suddenly, she gets bigger.  Her spurt happens fast.)


Rini: Hey!  What’s happening?!


(She stops growing after a brief moment.)


Girls: Rini?!


Keroro: Ooh, I did not see this coming…


Rini: What just happened to me?!


Kululu: *laughs* It seems that Sailor Moon must’ve left the SpoonWow! inside your mouth.  You must’ve swallowed it while you were sneezing.  You’re now a six-story giantess. *laughs*


Serena: *nervous giggle* Oops…  I knew I forgot something.


Rini: Well, meatball head!  How do you plan to fix this mess?!  I don’t know if that spoon inside me will make me grow again, and I--


(Suddenly, the news sank into Rini as to how they plan to do it, and everyone else stares at her.  The frogs emit mischievous auras.)


Rini: Oh, no!  No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!


Keroro & Serena: GET HER!!


Giroro: YES, MORE WAR!!


(The alarms go off.  Everyone is speaking simultaneously.)


Keroro: Scouts, get ready for battle!


Lita: I’m ready, this time!


Rini: No!  I don’t want to go through this again!  Please, no!  Stop!  Let me go!  Untie me!  Put that down! *cries*


Kululu: Now don’t worry.  This will be fun. *laughs*


Dororo: What can we expect this time?


Amy: I’ll find out!


Tamama: I wonder what kind of new villain we’ll be facing.


Raye: We’ll find out soon enough.


(The dialogue continues, as the Narrator starts talking.)


Narrator: Well, it just goes to show you that your body is always at war, fighting germs, even your teeth.  Be sure to always take good care of it, or else… 


Rini: Please, just end this story already!




Narrator: Next time: Sgt. Keroro & Sailor Moon Present: Rini’s Inside Story!  The A.R.M.P.I.T. platoon & the Sailor Scouts head inside the body of the ginormous Rini and search for the SpoonWow! that caused her to grow to such gigantic heights.  Will they manage to get the spoon out of her body?  Will Rini suffer more growth spurts?  And who is this new enemy that threatens them?  Find out by using your imagination, because the writer is too lazy to do a sequel.


Keroro: Haven’t we used that term more than enough in this story?

Sailor Moon: I don’t know.  But hey, at least we had fun.  And it’ll continue--


Keroro & Sailor Moon: WAIT A MINUTE!  NO SEQUEL?!


Narrator: Uh, good-bye folks!